Many-Worlds Interpretation

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“Okay, next question,” Kaycee said, peeking from above her textbook. “What is the Many-Worlds Interpretation?”

From across her bed, Sean shut his eyes and tilted his head up, grasping the answer in his mind.

“Like it says, there are many worlds, or rather, infinite universes. That everything that could have possibly happened in our past but did not, has happened in some other universe or several universes. That there are different histories, and realities, all happening at the same time.”

When he had finished, Sean kept his eyes closed, waiting for Kaycee to affirm his answer. But he was only met with silence. 

The boy cracked open one eye to check for his best friend’s expression, to see if he got it right. But the girl gave nothing away, looking at him blankly from over her book.

“What?” He pouted, opening both eyes now. “I think I got that one right.”

Still, Kaycee didn’t move. Sean frowned at her unrelenting reaction, his lower lip jutting out in disappointment.

“Kayc!” He crawled over and childishly pawed her textbook down from her face. “Did I get it wrong? Did I get it wrong? Did I? Did I? Did I, huh? Huh? Kaycee? Huh?”

The corner of her lip traitorously twitched, and Kaycee caved at his persistence. The girl burst out in hysterics, falling sideways onto her bed, clutching her sides as her giggles filled the room. Meanwhile, the boy glared at her laughing figure and petulantly smacked her thigh.

“Dammit, Kayc. Focus!” He whined. “If I fail tomorrow’s test, that’s on you.”

“You won’t fail it, Sean” She rolled her eyes at him. “You never do, Mr. Student Body President and Class Valedictorian.”

The boy lets it slide, chalking it up to his best friend making fun of him yet again. But what he doesn’t know is that his words knocked the air out of her lungs and rendered her speechless.


In this universe, Sean and Kaycee were nextdoor neighbors.

The Lews picked a house right next to the charming Rice family when Miya was still pregnant with Sean. Laura was expecting at the time too, and the two mothers joked at how adorable it would be if their children grew up as best of friends. 

They got their wish when Sean and Kaycee were born only a month apart. This seemed to foreshadow the trajectory of their lives - Sean charging forward, always leading, with Kaycee following just a breath away, equally as strong, the calm to his storm. 

Like a fairytale - they attended school together, him a football star and her the cheerleader. They fell in love at 16, engaged at 21, married at 23, kids at 25. 

The white picket fence, three charming children, and a long, loving marriage until death do they part.

It was a perfect universe.

In this universe, they weren't even friends in school.

Sean and Kaycee have known each other since kindergarten, when Sean pushed Kaycee in the playground and ran away. She took it against him for many years, signed him off as a big bad bully, with his friends, Josh and Julian, up until high school. But everything changed in their junior year, when they were paired together for a math project. Kaycee ended up tutoring him for the rest of the semester, and Sean’s grade soared. 

Sometime between their hostile first encounter and their project submission, they became had become friends. Sean taught Kaycee how to throw a football. Kaycee taught Sean how to laugh at himself.

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