# 1

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“Be careful who you accept drinks from, okay?” Sean said, handing her a drink. “There are a bunch of people here we don’t know. I’m not saying they’re not good people - of course, they are; they’re Jojo’s and Donovan’s friends - but what I’m saying is-”

“I get what you’re saying, Sean.” Kaycee cut him off with a laugh. “I’ll make good choices and all that. I’ll be fine. Now, go have your fun. You don’t need to be bothered by me all night.”

Sean flashed her a soft grin and tapped her chin. “You’re never a bother to me, dood.”

With a final wink, Sean crossed the room over to Julian and Josh, leaving Kaycee with Bailey and Tahani.

It was Jojo and Donovan’s wedding night and the reception was in full swing. They had concluded with all the routine toasts and cheesy traditions, including throwing the bouquet (which Kaycee actively dodged), a while ago. The lights were turned down, the music turned up, and nearly everyone seemed hellbent on dancing, drinking, and maybe getting laid.

Sean and Kaycee spent most of the night apart, catching up with old friends and colleagues. But sometime in the past hour, Kaycee noticed from across the room that a group of beautiful girls gravitated towards the three bachelors. Kaycee didn’t know them, so she assumed they must be Jojo’s friends from out of state. If it weren’t for the lingering touches and flirtatious looks, it was easy to mistake that they were just having a friendly conversation.

On the other hand, Donovan had introduced Kaycee to Brett, a cinematographer friend of his that he recruited for his company. He had just moved from Chicago and started only a month ago. Brett was cute, with a friendly smile and bright green eyes. Seeing his eager grin directed at a certain brunette, Tahani and Bailey winked at Kaycee knowingly and discreetly excused themselves from the situation.

The pulsating dance music made it hard to hear, and the dim party lights made it hard to see, but Brett pursued a conversation with her anyway, so Kaycee had to give the man some plus points.

“Let me get you another drink.” Brett offered, spying the empty glass in her hand.

“Oh, it’s okay.” Kaycee waved him off with a smile, already eyeing the mobile bar. “I can get it myself.”

“Got you covered.” Said a voice over her shoulder.

Despite the blaring music and the bad lighting, without even needing to turn, she knew exactly who it was. Sean had a gentle hand on her hip, the heat of his body radiating to her back, skin exposed by her lowcut dress. She looked over her shoulder, meeting his eyes with a cheeky grin.

“Saw it was empty from across the room.” He explained, handing her the drink. “That’s your second one, right?”

“Yup.” She confirmed, taking it from him.

“If you feel like drinking more tonight, I can drive you home.” He offered, his thumb rubbing a comforting circle on the skin of her lower back.

“Oh please. I see those girls eyeing you. You’re going to be busy tonight.” She joked, gesturing to a particularly leggy blonde who kept stealing glances at her best friend.

Sean laughed and squeezed her hip reassuringly. Then he leaned down to whisper to her, his breath ghosting warmly on the shell of her ear. “You’ll always come first, Kayc.”

With a friendly nod at Brett, Sean stepped away and sauntered back to the expectant woman.

As the night wore on, after her conversation with Brett ran dry and she had downed several more drinks, Kaycee took to the dance floor with Bailey and Tahani. The three girls let loose, free and uninhibited, having attended stag that day.

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