A Call Out of the Blue

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You and Roger were always close, so it was no surprise when he begged you to come meet the boys. Although you had known each other since primary school, he never seemed to outgrow that tone he used with you, the same tone that convinced you into so many of his poorly thought out, spur of the moment plans. This was one of those spontaneous moments and here you were falling for it once again.

" COME ON you HAVE to come meet my mates! They're dying to meet you, y-you can take my room, w-won't have to pay for a hotel or anything just PPLEEASE come down already!" Roger pleaded.

You toyed with the landline wire, watched the coiled wire twirl between your fingers, up and around, up and around, you bit you lip. I do have some time off from uni, I suppose a few days catching up with Roger couldn't hurt.

"Alright, Alright," you giggled. You could practically see Roger beaming on the other side of the phone call, you could tell from his voice.

"One more thing, if you come in on Sunday, Freddie, Bri, and I are meeting with a few new producers, my mate John Deacon will pick you up and drive you back to the flat. I won't be gone long,probably arrive about a half hour after you get here," said Roger knowing damn well the meeting with the producer wouldn't take that long, however he needed to make sure you and Deaky had one on one time before Bri and Freddie tainted the "plan".

"That's fine, as long as he's the cute one of the band," you smirked to yourself knowing how heated Roger would get over your jab.

"Hey now, you already know I'm the hottie of the band, but I guess I could give Deaky a close second" he laughed, "I'll see you on Sunday, good bye love," he hung up the phone.

As you put down the phone, uncurled the knotted telephone wire, and began packing your bag for Sunday, you felt a sort of excitement you hadn't felt since you left for university. John Deacon. You couldn't get the name out of your head. Maybe it was because you needed to remember who was going to pick you up from the train station, or because of how mysterious the name sounded. Either way it was embedded in your head and you were ready to meet this John Deacon.

Back at Roger's (the boy's) flat, Roger began cleaning furiously, practically barking orders, assigning he boys different chore here and there. The house needs to be perfect for the next part of his plan. And little did you know the lengths Roger was willing to go to ensure you and Deaky ended up together.

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