An Empty Flat

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The two of you stood in shock. I knew Roger wouldn't be here but where is everyone else? Deaky seemed just as confused. The phone rang. With his shoes squeaking on the hardwood floors, Deaky rushed to pick it up. You closed the door and leaned against a door frame near the kitchen staring at the slightly concerned Deaky on the phone.

"Okey..Uh huh.. Yep.. I gotcha Roge.. Be Careful..Okey talk to you soon," he sighed and placed the phone back on the kitchen counter.

"Is everything alright?" you asked. A small pool of water had begun to form at the bottom of your feet.

"Eehm, Roger and the boys were back at the studio meeting with producers but the streets are so flooded, its not safe to drive back quite yet so they're kinda stuck there until the rain stops," he said running his hand through his wet hair and fiddling with the belt loop of his jeans with the other. He glanced up hoping you weren't too upset with the news.

You were actually relieved. More time with just you two.

"Well as long as they're indoors I'm sure everything will be okay," you replied in an optimistic voice.

"Yes, Yes, I'm sure they'll be alright but I'm afraid the same goes for us, stuck in the flat until the rain stops, is that okay with you?" the "you" of his question trailed off, as if he regretted saying it aloud, scared it was too direct.

"I'm fine with it," You interrupted saving him from the awkwardness his last question posed. "I'm more of an indoor person myself, and I suppose you could give me the grand tour," you gestured your hand outward while turning away from the kitchen and facing the living room. You turned back around to see a smiling Deaky once more. God, how pure.

"I was just scared you'd be a bit disappointed spending your first day here cooped up with me instead of Roger, that's why I asked. But I'd be more than honored to show you around and whip out a few board games," his smile extended, now running from ear to ear as he stepped toward you.

As he stepped closer your heart began to beat quicker, the closer he was, the quicker it beat. He stood in front of you. You hadn't noticed the height difference until now, you being 5 feet tall, taller men was something you were used to, however, his chest directly in front of you with those eyes tilted down, you could feel your legs turn into putty. His blue shirt, now a dark navy soaked from the rain, stuck to his abdomen and you could see his true figure. You could even see the outline of his abs if you looked hard enough but you didn't want to make it obvious you were staring. While you were making your observations Deaky was doing the same, taking in your short stature and admiring the way the water had made its home along the ends of your lashes making your eyes appear even more doe-like than they already were. You both stood in the doorframe for a good 5 seconds, awkwardly of course, but enjoying the proximity to each other.

Deaky stepped out first.

"If you'd like, you can change in the bathroom, I don't think you fancy lying about in wet clothes now do you?" he asked jokingly guiding you down the hall.

You looked down at your duffel bag, soaked. You rummaged through it only to find a pair of sweats and a few scrunchies that remained dry.

"I know we just met, and I don't mean to be a burden but do you have an extra shirt I could borrow? Mine are all soaked," you held up your bag, water gushed down.

"Of course! A-Anything for you! "he took your wet duffel from you, your hands lightly grazed. A rush of heat fell upon Deaky's face, his cheeks and ears turned bright pink, but he quickly turned around before you could notice. The two of you entered Deaky's room. Cream colored walls, a light green comforter, and multi-colored pillows, and records all over the room. You noticed a bass guitar in the corner as well as a record player. The window was on the wall beside his bed in the corner, the window sill was lined with small succulents. You walked around admiring his record collection, he had shelves and shelves of records. It was then that you realized John was silent. While you were staring at the records he was gazing at you. You turned around slightly startled.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to snoop," you said stepping back, slightly embarrassed.

"No, it's alright I do have quite the hoard of records," he giggled and held out a t-shirt.

"Here, it may fit a bit over-sized but it should do the trick," he unrolled the shirt. It was an ABBEY ROAD t-shirt. Your favorite album. Without hesitation, you stripped off your soaked sweater and pulled the abbey road tee over your head. John turned bright red.

"What's the matter?" you asked slyly walking over.

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