An Unexpected Friend

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It was pouring. A typical rainy day was nothing new, however a rainy day such as today was simply inconvenient. You could feel your hair frizzing up as you stepped off your train and onto the platform, looking for Roger's friend. You lugged your duffel bag, a burnt orange canvas bag with Beatles patches and pins, over your shoulder and tried not slip in your boots over the water now forming puddles on the floor from all the passengers coming into the station. You frowned. Jeans damp, hair frizzy, boots wet, and cable knit sweater beginning to slip to one shoulder from the weight of your duffel bag, this would surely not make a great first impression.

" Need some help there?" said a warm voice.

You glanced up, dropped your duffle and adjusted your sweater. His eyes. Once you saw them you couldn't break away. Green or hazel you couldn't decide but they seemed so inviting one would find it impossible to decline.

He pulled his hand out of his jacket pocket, " I'm Roger's bandmate John Deacon, y-you can call me Deaky is you'd like, o-or John I really don't mind either," he shook your hand and proceeded to pick up your duffel bag.

He smiled again. You practically melted.

"Shall we head on home, I know the rest of the boys are as eager to meet you as I was," he blushed realizing he just admitted he was excited to meet you.

You raised an eyebrow. He must have noticed. As he laughed it off and began to walk out of the station, motioning you to follow along. You still hadn't said a word, you were so caught off guard by the stranger that you found yourself completely speechless. Why didn't Roger tell me his friend was going to be cute? I would have maybe dressed a bit cuter. Once again you found yourself angry with not only the poor weather but the timing of it all. After a brief blip, you regrouped and focused on getting at least a few words out to befriend Deaky.

"Thank you for helping me with my bags, I know I seem a bit like a hot mess right now, I promise I'm not always like this." You paused. "Well maybe slightly less of a hot mess but this weather isn't doing my hair any justice." Your short hair now a brunette floof, lay level with your chin and spread outward giving it a triangle like appearance.

Deaky giggled. " I don't mind, I used to have hair down to my shoulders I understand the struggle." His short hair waved around his ear perfectly and lay almost flush with the back of his neck. It was surprisingly shiny and unbothered by the humidity in the station, with the exception of the bit fringe covering his forehead and ending in a nice wave above his brows.

Once you two reached the car, Deaky placed your bag in the trunk and drove home. The car ride was surprisingly not awkward. John's voice flowed like a gentle stream, every word so delicately chosen with the occasional stutter. Unknown to you, he didn't move his palms from the drivers wheel because they were so clammy. He rarely talked this much, but felt some sort of comfort around you.

You began to warm up, to him. The initial shock of meeting him had faded, although the butterflies remained. Despite you two just meeting, you had to admit you felt a ~connection~ if you will, to him. You cringed at the cliché thought. Things like this only happen in movies. The car soon came to stop, the rain water began to flood the street, you were grateful you two made it home in time but couldn't deny you wished the car ride were slightly longer to spend just a few more minutes with Deaky.

Deaky opened the door to the flat, both of you huddled underneath the patio eager to get inside, safe from the rain practically drenching you both despite the somewhat protection of the patio's awning. As you walked inside expecting Roger's bear hug, you stood in shock.

"It's -" you began

"Empty," Deaky finished.

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