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"What's the meaning of this? Is this some kind of joke? W-why?"

John's confusion tore into you. Each question brought more pain than the last. Roger just stood there against the wall watching John's emotions fluctuate. This wasn't even your fault. Your batshit crazy ex sent the damn invitation and yet here you were, just like the old days, forced to pick up the shattered pieces of yourself from the destruction Howie caused. John was still in shock trying to make sense of the matter. You couldn't bear it much longer.

"Deaky I-" you didn't finish that sentence. He was too quick.

"Who the fuck does he think he is?" He dropped the invitation and made his way over to you. You thought he was going to dump you right then and there. He stood in front of you and then proceeded to wrap his arms around you in a tight embrace. He kissed placed a gentle kiss on top of your head as he brought his hand to your cheek.

"I'm so sorry love,"

Four words. Just four words washed away all the pain. Roger seemed to be relieved as well he didn't want to see his two best friends angry with each other, and he certainly wasn't fond of the exchange between the two of you earlier. You hurried your head into John's chest and when you looked up, gave Roger a hug as well. Not a word was spoken but all seemed to be solved through simple actions.

Your face was puffy, red, slightly flushed, but you didn't mind as long as John was by your side. The three of you played board games into the night until Bri and Fred came home and they joined in. Of course Freddie won the game of monopoly by claiming he was the rightful heir and therefore owned all the land, and of course Bri was not having any of that and withdrew from the game.

In the early morning hours you lied there with John in your arms. His head sat so perfectly on your chest and his arms hugged your waist. There was no denying it. You were completely in love with John Deacon. The thought of loosing him earlier hurt more than the thought of Howie mailing fake wedding invitations to your loved ones. What would happen once you left? You began to wonder how you would break it off, if you had the strength to break it off. You knew you didn't. Staying together for the remaining few weeks would just create more tension and you couldn't bear to place that burden on John. You could already tell it was weighing on him, bit by bit you both knew whatever this was, was coming to an end. It was in this moment you decided to leave. You wrote a note to each of the boys, a letter to John, and the pancake recipe that Roger enjoyed. You packed your bag, left for the train station, and arrived home by morning.

Cozy Day With John Where stories live. Discover now