A Confession

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After Howie's visit you and Roger told John everything. Well, Roger did most of the talking because you were so ashamed of how ridiculous you acted in the past. But all of that was exactly where you left it. In the past. Once the bulk of the matter had been discussed, you and Roger let John take a minute to absorb the hell fest that Howie was. He was beyond shocked. He was angry. This was a new side of John.

"Why didn't you say something sooner?! What if he hurt you again?! What if he would've gotten through the door?! I'm so sorry I opened that door, god what if something went wrong! Roger why the HELL didn't you kill that mother-"

"John! Calm down!" You gasped in disbelief. "You didn't know, and I had no idea that he would come by. Eventually I would have told you about Howie and-" you were cut off.

"Eventually?! What if he would've come while you were alone? What if nobody opened the door and he snuck in through the window?" He put his hands on your shoulders and tightened his grip "you could have been hurt and I'll never let someone hurt you"

"John, it's okay, he's gone now and if he comes back we'll call the police" Roger reassured in a surprisingly calm voice.

John was shaking.

You felt awful. You were the reason John was so worried. You were the reason Roger almost lost it this morning. Maybe things wouldn't have panned out this way if you wouldn't have visited at all, if you just stayed home then you wouldn't be such a burden on the boys. You couldn't hold it back, the tears began to stream down your face.

"I-I'm so sorry you guys, I -I had n-no idea he would-" you couldn't even get the words out.

Immediately John's demeanor changed, the anger once present melted away as his focus shifted to you. Roger put down the chocolate he was munching and did the same.

"It's not your fault love, he's an asshole who doesn't deserve you, who never deserved you, and will never get ahold of you again. I'm sorry I got upset I just couldn't imagine someone hurting you like that and I just got a bit worked up that's all," he knelt on the living room floor and held your head up with his hands "you are a wonderful person inside and out, don't feel guilty in the slightest. You're apart of this family now, and we'll protect you no matter what, by choice not as some kind of chore,"

Roger placed his arm around you and patted your shoulder "couldn't had said it better myself." He smiled at Deaky, proud of his best friend for taking such good care of his other best friend. Bri and Freddie soon came home, by that time you and Deaky were napping in Deaky's room so Roger explained the events from earlier.

"Although I do have a confession" Roger began "Deaky doesn't know that her and Howie were engaged, I didn't think today was the appropriate time to say anything and she didn't seem to want to say anything either."

Freddie and Bri both gasped.

"E-engaged?! As in to be married? Well that's quite a juicy piece of information you left out Rog!" Bri exclaimed.

"T-that's not the worst bit" Roger winced thinking about the next part "Howie still expects her to go through with the wedding plans and although she told her family and friends the wedding is off, we got this in the mail," Roger held up a white envelope with an invitation inside.

Freddie stood there in disbelief holding onto the invitation as if it were radioactive.

"He can't expect her to show up now can he?! Who the hell does he think he is to intrude on our Deaky's girl, on our girl?! No! I won't allow it! The only wedding invitation I will hold is hers and Deaky's not this maniac's!"

Bri shook his head. "Rog, why didn't you say anything to her, this is- I mean this is huge, major creeper status huge."

" I know, I know,  but I promised her that I wouldn't let Howie even enter her thoughts, that I'd keep him as far away from her as possible. She can't know about this, it would freak her out, she wouldn't feel safe, she'd go back home, and Deaky is finally happy with someone so if we send her off now we jeopardize too much. I already told her parents, were filling a restraining order so Howie  can't get close to her, but in the meantime our duty is to keep this under-wraps and her and Deaky together," Roger stared at Bri and Freddie hoping that they understood.

" I'm in, but, what if Howie breaks the restraining order and we underestimate him? What is he's one of those people you read about in the newspaper who stops at nothing to retrieve his "bride". Rog you have to tell her at some point, I'll hold it for now, but you have to at least talk to Deaky about it,"

"I agree with Bri, for once. Roger we want them together as much as you do, but for the safety of everyone in this house I think you need to tell her about the invitations and then let her decide when to tell Deaky. This is after all their mess to sort out, however if that Howie asshole ever walks into this house then it's all of our problem,"

Roger nodded in agreement. He put the letter in his jacket pocket and the boys began their task around the house as usual. You woke up with Deaky beside you, once again sleeping soundly. Besides the visit of your psycho ex, all was well. Nothing else could go wrong. Could it?

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