A Mission

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John woke up the next morning to an empty bed.
Must've made breakfast or gone to the restroom.
He turned on to his other side, sliding his hand beneath his pillow when he felt the crisp edges of a folded paper. Pulling the paper out from underneath the pillow, we unfolded the letter.
He bolted out of bed after reading the paragraph.

"Dear Deaky,
Firstly, I'm in love with you. But you have greater things to worry about with the band taking off and I'm not sure how things are going to work out after I leave. I'm going back home, I don't want to be a burden. Please know I enjoyed every moment with you and I regret nothing. Best wishes my love.

I hid the monopoly board under your bed since it caused so much trouble in the house. I hope Bri and Freddie understand. I did replace the coffee table games with some cards and scrabble.

The high pitched scream bellowed through the house. A very angry Freddie came running down the hallway waking up the rest of the household. Bri,Freddie,and Roger soon accompanied Freddie in the door frame of Deaky's room holding their own letters.

"The best thing comes into your life and you let them just SLIP A W A Y?!" Freddie's anger had turned into hysteria. John rolled his eyes as he pulled a duffel bag out of his closet.

"I know I know, I'm packing a bag and heading straight over," John was frantic, his hair astray still in boxers with only one sock on.

"You're not heading over lookin' like that are ya?" Roger made a motion with his index finger scanning the appearance of his distressed friend.

John shook his head and pushed the boys out of his door frame only to open it once more and find the boys waiting exactly where he pushed them out.

This time Bri started the conversation, he put his hands together almost in a prayer like position and burrowed his brow together in deep thought.
"Well, romance isn't really my field of expertise, but I think I can speak for everyone here," he looked for a nod of approval from Roger and Freddie which was instantly granted giving him permission to continue on "- we think you two are perfect together. Now, I know you two are in love and what not but please mate, I'm sure she'd appreciate the gesture a lot more if you were cleaned up, at least showered," Another judgmental scan was displayed, this time from Bri, as Freddie and Roger nodded in unison.

John hugged the three boys tightly and held on for a second longer that he usually would have.

"Thank you."

And with the approval of his closest companions he showered and hopped on a train to reconnect with his one true companion.

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