An Unexpected Guest

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You woke up the next morning tangled in John's arms. You felt his light breaths on top of your head, but you turned over so you could admire your love. He looked so peaceful when he slept. The sun hit his hair just right leaving golden spaces between his light brown waves. His lips came to an effortless pout that was absolutely adorable. You knew he managed a lot of the band's finances and stressed over the well being of the other members, so seeing him so at peace was nice. You lingered a bit longer until you reluctantly slipped out of his arms and tip-toed your way into your own bedroom before anyone else woke up. Unfortunately, Roger was already up.

Of course.

"Wooooah, there! Now would you care to explain to me why you're sneaking out of our Innocent Deaky's room at this hour in the morning?"

You rolled your eyes. "Nothing happened Rog," you took a few steps towards your room but paused and turned around staring Roger straight in the eyes "And if you really knew Deaky, you'd know he's really not that innocent," you winked and kept walking.

Roger was astonished to say the least but before he could say anything to redeem himself, there was a knock at the door. Roger opened the door to see a tall man holding flowers and a box of chocolates.

"Leave NOW, she doesn't want ANYTHING to do with you!" A loud slam shook the house. Your stomach sank, there was only one person Roger would get that worked up over, your ex. Howard and you, or Howie for short, went out for two years on and off. He was an asshole, cheated on you multiple times, was emotionally and at one point physically abusive, and never treated you like Deaky. Roger had been there through every breakup, and you knew how much it hurt him to see you go back each time, which is why you broke things off for good 9 months ago. Howie free for 9 months, until now. You ran back down the hallway to Roger. Thankfully Bri and Freddie were out running errands or else they'd have to deal with the angry version of Roger who now stood in front of you.

"Was it really?" Your voice trailed off.

"Yea, but I told him to piss off, just go back to your room before things get ugly," Roger took a ferocious spoonful of cereal.

"Rog, maybe I should talk to him, has he come by before? Why didn't you say anything?"

Knock Knock Knock

"He's come by looking for you a few times, must've got word you were back in town, I'm sorry I didn't say anything. I didn't want to worry you and I definitely didn't want you talking to him. Which is why that door is staying shut!" He took another monster spoonful of cereal.

Knock Knock Knock

"Rog-" you began.

"VHATS VHAT OCHEY!" [translation "that's that okay! ]  He said with a mouthful of cereal.

Deaky must have woken to  the commotion. His hair was a bit messy, his white t-shirt partially tucked into his blue boxers, and his socks bunched at his ankles. He broke into a smile when he saw you and wrapped his arms around your shoulders, allowing you to forget about your ex standing at the door until-

Knock Knock Knock

"Who's making all this noise?" Deaky walked over to the door.

"JOHN NO!" You and Roger practically yelled in unison.

This time Deaky opened the door unaware of the circumstances of the visitor. Howie was just as shocked to see Deaky as Deaky was to see Howie.

"Is she here?! Tell me she's here!" Howard pleaded holding up he flowers and chocolates.

"Ehm yep she's here," Deaky patiently said grabbing the chocolates and flowers. He put the pieces together quickly.

Once again, Howie was stunned. "Who he hell do you think you are?! Those are for-"

He was cut off.

"I'm her boyfriend," Deaky said in a monotone voice and shut the door on Howard. He walked back into the kitchen as if nothing had happened. He placed the flowers in a vase and handed you the box of chocolates.

"I'll be in the shower love," he kissed your forehead and walked away.



"Did he just-?"

"I think he did," Roger answered.

The two of you didn't really know what to do, so you put a record on, blasted the music, and ate some chocolate until Deaky came out of the shower and you could explain it all to him. The real question was, if you told Deaky the entire truth, would he still care for you?

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