Chapter 8

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The next morning, I woke up to hair in my face and an arm draped over my forehead.

Billie was totally passed out, star-fishing on the bed, leaving me somehow trapped under her arm and leg. She exhaled softly and turned over, burying her face in my neck, draping her arm around my waist.

Blushing lightly, I tried to think of a way to escape before she woke up with us in this position.

Billie Eilish was the last person I'd expect to be a cuddler, but she literally sleeps like a baby. I'm not sure if she knows, because I always get up a couple of hours before she's awake, but whenever I wake up she's pressed up against me.

... Not that I'm complaining.

Slowly, I started to sit up, aiming to slide myself out from under her. However, once I sat up a little bit, both of her arms wrapped around my waist, and she rested her cheek softly against my chest.

I couldn't help but smile, but I was getting worried she'd wake up soon. I untangled her arms from around me and managed to eventually get out from under her, heading to the bathroom.

Getting out from under Billie Eilish wasn't a struggle I imagined having a couple months ago.

"Bro I'm so pumped!" Macy squealed as she clambered into the car, readjusting her dress and flicking her ponytail over her shoulder.

We were all on the way to a party right now. Who's party, I had no idea, but everyone else was going and I wasn't going to stay at that shady-ass hotel on my own.

I was squashed in between Ethan and Billie - it was only a short drive to the house, but there were still a lot of us packed into this car. Ethan had his arm resting on the back of the seat around me, and Billie was resting her arm on my thigh.

I could see Ethan try not to smirk next to me.

"Nah, this is gonna suck ass, bro," Billie muttered, swiping through Instagram. "I hate parties. I'm not babysitting none of y'all tonight, none of that shit."

The group laughed, Macy muttering 'no promises', as we pulled up to the place. Which, by the way, I'm pretty sure was classed as a mansion.

We all piled in through the huge front doors, before standing in the lobby for a minute, slightly blown away.

Justin whistled under his breath. "Bit bigger than I was expecting."

Macy chuckled, reapplying lipgloss before clasping shut her purse. "Don't be a bitchass. Let's go!" She called, before disappearing into the sea of bodies - shortly followed by the twins, Finneas and Claudia, and Luke.

Billie seemed hesitant to go any further inside, but was soon dragged away by one of her friends that I didn't know.

Sighing, I was about to step outside for some air, before I felt a hand on the small of my back, followed by an unfamiliar voice.


I turned to see a guy I didn't know, smiling warmly at me. I smiled back, saying hi, and went to walk past him to the door before he grabbed my wrist.

"Where'd you think you're going, baby? We're gonna have some fun," he smirked, his hands sliding down to my ass, pulling me close to him.

Before I could even react, an arm wrapped around my waist and dragged me away from him - my back pressed against someone's front, the scent of vanilla surrounding me.


Her arm still wrapped around my waist, she stepped in front of me and shoved the guy square in the chest, watching as he stumbled back.

"What the fuck did you just say?" She growled, grabbing the collar of his shirt and balling it up in her fist, pulling him back towards her. He blushed red and started stuttering, before Billie laughed sarcastically. "Yeah, that's what I thought. Jackass," she hissed before shoving him away again, turning to walk me out of the door with both of her hands on my sides.

Slamming the big double doors behind her, she dragged her hand threw her hair and exhaled. "Are you okay?" She questioned, giving me a once over.

"Yeah..." I replied quietly, amazed by what just happened. "Um, thank you, Bil. So much."

Billie laughed, watching me - her ocean eyes twinkling against the beams of moonlight. A sincere smile then took over, and she looked down at her hands. "No worries, cutie."

After a few seconds she cleared her throat and broke the silence. "I found a pool out back that no one's around, wanna go out there til everyone's done? I don't know bout you, but I'm totally done with this shitshow," she chuckled, and we made our way round to the back of the house.

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