Chapter 29

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Ethan sighed as he held me against his chest, rubbing my back softly. The large hoodie I'd borrowed from him was wrapped around me, and we just together sat on the bed listening to my quiet crying.

He'd come over right away. I guess we all saw the photos at the same time.

I know I was probably being overdramatic, because Billie and I weren't even dating yet. But I honestly... I don't know. I thought we had something.

Everything she told me couldn't have been a lie. What would be the point in that? I guess she just changed her mind.

I sniffled against Ethan's neck, feeling him rub my back again as he mumbled into the silent room.

"How're you feeling now? Do you wanna talk about it?"

Wiping my eyes on his hoodie sleeve, I sat up as I saw him watch me sympathetically. I could feel how puffy my eyes had gotten, and I suddenly felt nervous for Billie to get back. It was embarrassing, how upset I'd gotten. She obviously didn't care, so I have to pretend like I don't.

... However that may be.

Glancing at Ethan, I watched him as his thoughtful eyes took me in, waiting for a response patiently. I crawled back onto his lap as his arms instantly wrapped around me, leaning my head against his shoulder.

"I don't know, E. It just sucks because I honestly thought something was happening, y'know?" I sat up in his lap, my hands gesturing along with me as I got upset again. "She played along like she didn't know who this guy was, she said nothing when she saw him groping me in the greenroom, she-"

"What?! He groped you? Who the fuck even is this guy? I'll kill him," Ethan fumed as I smiled softly, putting my hand against his chest as a sign for him to stop.

"It was so awkward and strange... But obviously anything happening between Billie and I was in my imagination, so I hope they're happy together."

My throat started to sting as I tried my hardest not to try, wanting to believe I was already over it. I felt my eyes watering slightly as I sniffed, looking down at my hands playing with the ends of Ethan's sweater.

It just made me feel so angry that, instead of telling me she didn't want to go any further, she asked me on a date just to stand me up and go on a date with some gross dude.

I was sat in my room, all dressed up, waiting for her for 2 hours. She never showed.

The only time I realised she'd actually stood me up was when I saw the pictures. It completely took me by surprise.

I always do this. I always get too invested and the other person never gives a shit.

Wiping the tears off of my cheeks, I glanced up to see Ethan still watching me concernedly, smiling softly when I saw. He was always so sweet to me. He had been here this entire time, when Billie wasn't, and I didn't even think about it.

Which I probably should have.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, straddling his lap and crashing my lips against his, hearing as he hummed in shock, not kissing back but not pushing me away.

More tears streamed down my face as I ran my fingers through his hair, still kissing him.

He mumbled my name against my lips as I shook my head, holding the sides of his face, my body starting to shake with silent crying. Holding my by the waist, he lightly pushed me back as I stopped kissing him and collapsed against his chest, his arms instantly wrapping around me.

A few hours later, I was wrapped up in Ethan's hoodie and the big duvet all by myself, watching some random movie on the TV. Ethan had given me some space and gone out with Justin and Finneas, leaving me to calm down and get over everything.

I'd ordered some pizza, and Claudia was coming over soon, so I was just going to chill out and stop being dramatic.

As I was halfway through changing, there was a knock on the door. Not really caring what the pizza guy saw me in, I scurried out of the bedroom, glancing at myself in the mirror on the way.

I was literally only wearing underwear.

This pizza show was about to get a whole show he wasn't expecting, I'll tell you.

Glancing around the living room, I noticed Ethan's dirty laundry scattered over the floor, and I rolled my eyes, making a mental note to clean it up after I get the pizza. I grabbed some cash and swung the door open, smiling apologetically due to my outfit.

I was met with a hanging-open mouth, icy blue eyes, and dark blue hair.

That was not the pizza guy.

Before I could react, I noticed Billie's eyes wander over my body quickly, before taking in the dishevelled appearance of the room behind me, Ethan's clothes scattered all over the floor.

Then she looked back at me in my underwear.

Then the clothes.

Then me.

... You get the pattern.

She scoffed, raising an eyebrow.

"You and Ethan have a fun night?"

I laughed bitterly, stepping away from the door and hastily scooping up the bits of clothing around the room. "Fuck you, Billie. Seriously? That's the first thing you're going to say to me?"

Throwing the clothes into the empty case we were using to put laundry in, I stormed into the bedroom as I heard Billie sigh, mumbling something under her breath.

Damn, she better have a good excuse to get out of this one.

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