Chapter 34

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Billie's POV

I tried not to grimace watching Q shovel a handful of fries into his mouth, slurping his drink in the same mouthful, as I glanced out of the window at the beautiful view to stop myself from heaving.

We were leaving for Australia tomorrow, and management had me go on one more 'date' with Q whilst we were all still here together. Steve wasn't coming to Australia, and I have no idea what the hell Q was doing. He was never invited to anything, yet he always showed up.

His noisy chews suddenly brought me out of my thoughts, and I noticed him smirk at me from across the table, and I was grateful that he took a few seconds to swallow his food before speaking.

"So," he leaned back in his eat and crossed his arms over his chest, his face plastered with a big, irritating smile. "Turns our we both not fully in this PR, ma."

I furrowed my eyebrows at the pink-haired man as he clicked his tongue, glancing out of the window at the cameras and grinning, lowering his voice as he leant forward.

"I know you ain't about this relationship, Billie. And that's aight. It's fake. And I found a babymama anyways."

Just as I opened my mouth to ask him who it was, my phone went off. Q carried on muttering away as my whole attention became focused on my screen.

mama: hey baby - i know you're on a pr right now, but i just wanted you to know that we'll go out tonight. just us. so just get through this hour or whatever and then we'll forget all this bullshit, okay? 💘

mama: ps. miss you dumbass

After reading the messages, I couldn't stop the infectious smile that was tugging at my lips, my heart fluttering inside my chest.

Every time she spoke to me, or her name popped up on my phone, or I saw her across the room, I always got butterflies and started blushing.

Like a little bitch.

I quickly typed out a response to the girl, as I noticed Q roll his eyes opposite me, pushing his plate to the other side of the table.

"You wanna leave?" I said distractedly, still trying to reply to Rose, wanting to match her level of cuteness whilst ignoring the dipshit I'm on a date with.

He sighed over-dramatically, as my thumbs paused, my eyes flicking up to glare at him as he stared me down.

"Who you talking to? Gotta be pretty important, you're all blushy and shit."

Before I could retaliate, he snatched my phone out of my hands, only having it for long enough to glance at the contact name before I damn-near dived over the table to grab it back, smacking him in the chest for good measure as I did so.

He was laughing and shaking his head, jokingly clutching where I hit him. "Ouch, ma. Don't need to be so protective."

I rolled my eyes at Q as a light smile still graced his lips, looking around the restaurant as he quietly carried on the conversation.

"She already taken, anyway. No use tryna go there."

Rose's arms wrapped around my waist, her cheek resting against my shoulder blades as we listened to Finneas plan out the next few shows in Australia. I felt her hand slightly go up my hoodie, just enough for her thumb to absentmindedly draw little shapes on my hip, and she sat up on her knees behind me to rest her chin on my shoulder.

The date with Q had ended pretty quickly after that. 'She's already taken.' The fuck did he mean by that?

Taken by me, bitch.

When I questioned him on it, he just laughed, not responding, and we left. No more said.

I was trying not to read too much into it because I know whatever he meant by that is bullshit, but it still made me feel a little uneasy.

Soft lips pressing against my neck brought me back to reality, and I smiled, softly tapping Rose's head with my own as she dotted more kisses all over my cheek.

"Where's your mind, baby?" She whispered against my skin, giving me one last kiss before leaning her cheek against my shoulder, watching me.

We were sat on the couch in the tour bus, everyone else over in the kitchen area, discussing the flight and the upcoming shows. I hadn't listened to any of it, but no one noticed.

Apart from Rose, anyways.

I turned my head to smile at her and watched her cheeks gradually turn a little pink, giving the tip of her nose a kiss as her eyes fluttered shut.

"Nowhere apart from you, ma. Where'd you wanna go later, huh? Anywhere specific?"

We started quietly planning out the evening as we formed our own little world in the end of the tour bus, like we always do. Finneas eventually called us over to pay attention, but our hands were intertwined in her hoodie pocket, and even the littlest of things couldn't be better.

thank you guys so much for your support, you're all amazing!
this was just a little filler chapter to hold y'all over, the next chapter is ... eventful, oops

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