Chapter 16

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Billie rolled her eyes and groaned again to cut me off, rubbing her temples.

"No, bro," she mumbled, shutting her eyes and leaning on her elbows, ignoring me as I tried to help her.

I had no idea what was going on, so I just assumed it was boy troubles, but every time I tried to talk about that she got more irritated.

Maybe she didn't want to talk about it?

"Billie, if you don't want to talk to me about guys you don't have to just because I'm he-"

"DUDE," she raised her voice, standing up abruptly and looking down at me. "Would you stop with the guy-troubles shit? Fuck, man, I'm trying to get a sentence out, here."

I pursed my lips and leant back against her headboard, the hood of her hoodie over my head and my fingers playing with the string. She paced through her room, mumbling incoherently to herself.

I still had no idea what was wrong, but I decided to just say nothing this time.

Finally, she stopped, holding her back to me for a few seconds before turning, and hesitantly walking over to the bed.

She clambered into the middle of the mattress, sitting cross legged in front of me so that we were mirroring each other.

I grinned jokingly to ease the tension, and her eyebrows stopped furrowing as a small smile appeared on her lips. Sighing again, she began to continue.

"Do you ever feel confused?"

I cocked an eyebrow at her, opening my mouth for a few seconds before actually speaking. "Well, yeah. I'm pretty confused right now."

She rolled her eyes and huffed, visibly frustrated as she continued to debate inside her mind.

"I'm confused about a lot of things," she mumbled quietly, keeping her eyes focused on the window behind me. "I'm confused about what I want to do, I'm confused about who I want to be..."

She licked her lips again and looked down at her crossed legs, playing with a loose string on her sock. "I'm confused about where to go, I'm confused about what to do..."

I just sat and watched her, my eyebrows slightly furrowed. I didn't dare to interrupt.

"I'm confused about what's happening right now, and I'm confused about what to do about it," she said more confidently, scratching the back of her neck. "But," she started, before meeting my eyes with her own, holding eye contact before speaking again. "I'm not confused about what I want."

I shook my head at the girl a little, sighing. "Billie, I literally have no idea what you're talking about. All this talk about confusion has completely confu-"

Right in the middle of my pun, she leant forward and delicately grabbed hold of either side of my hood, pulling me into her as her soft lips collided with my own.

Pulling back after a few seconds, her lips stayed brushing against my own, the only noise in the room being our breath.

My heart felt as if it skipped 8 beats at once.

I did not see that coming.


Billie must have read the look on my face as she laughed softly, her teeth grazing my bottom lip.

"Not expecting that, huh?" She whispered, chuckling again as I shook my head, still in shock.

Something flashed behind her eyes so quick that I couldn't quite catch it, and she smiled again before leaning back slightly.

She went to move away from me as I wrapped my arms around her neck and pulled her back in, letting myself fall back against the bed. One hand landed beside my head and the other against my waist; Billie making sure to keep the kiss slow and soft. Her lips were so smooth against my own, and I felt her smile against them as I hummed softly.

Once I felt her tongue slide along my bottom lip, I rolled us over and hovered over her, nipping her bottom lip with my teeth as she slid her hands into my hair and chuckled under her breath.

Right at that very moment, there was a knock at the door, and Finneas' voice rang through the room.

"Guys, we're going to the store to grab some ice cream if you wanna come?"

Billie's breath hitched in her throat as she froze underneath me, listening to hear movement from outside. She glanced over at the clock on the other side of the room, and sighed.

"It's a bit late now, Finn, I think we'll just sleep."

"What?" He replied, and Billie rolled her eyes as I chuckled. "It's like 11pm, that's basically morning for you."

"He has a point," I whispered, and Billie gaped at me.

"Bitch, do you wanna go to the store right now?" She whispered as I laughed, rolling off of her to lie next to her on the bed.

Finneas chose that time to swing the door open, smiling widely at Billie before he noticed her death glare.

"Damn, dude. What's pissed you off?" He smiled again before grimacing at Billie's expression, grabbing the door handle and mouthing 'sorry', before leaving the room.

Billie sighed and shut her eyes, leaning back against the headboard as I shuffled towards her, watching as she opened one eye to down look at me.

She smiled a little as she ruffled my hair, holding either side of my face to pull me up to her, softly pressing her lips to my own.

That night was filled with soft laughter, whispered words, and gentle kisses as the red light that grew so familiar surrounded us in that cosy little room, and the whole world seemed to stop for a while.

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