Chapter 10

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Billie hesitantly left the room after looking at Finneas wide-eyed, shutting the door behind her.

We all instantly turned to look at him.

"Uh," he cleared his throat before continuing in a hushed tone. "That's... Billie's ex boyfriend."

Claudia gasped and Macy began a whispered yet angry rant, whilst me and the twins remained confused.

"Why's that such a big deal?" I questioned, making sure to keep my voice low. Ethan furrowed his eyebrows, nodding in agreement.

"He's such a fucking dick, dude. He's so bad for her. Every time they hang out again, Billie turns into an asshole. Dammit, I can't stand that guy. How'd he even find us?"

Finneas shrugged, looking concerned as we all became quiet to try to listen to what was going on in the other room.

Billie's muffled voice could be heard through the door, and it sounded like...

She was crying.

Finneas immediately stood; Claudia holding his wrist to stop him from leaving.

All you could hear was our bated breath, and Billie's muffled shouts. I couldn't really hear the guy, but Billie sounded so upset.

After a while, the shouting outside calmed down. We couldn't tell if he was still there or if he'd left, but no one dared to go out yet. Billie would come back when she was ready.

Ethan picked a movie and everyone got back into their original places - light conversation emerging amongst the group, but still a thick atmosphere of tension in the room. Everyone was waiting for her.

About halfway through the movie, the door cracked open.

Billie put her hood up and shut the door behind her, glancing at the TV and stepping over the pizza box, before lying beside me on my duvet nest.

Most people were asleep, apart from Justin, who was watching a movie on his phone with his headphones, and Finn and Claudia who were quietly talking and laughing.

I looked at Billie's tear-stained cheeks, and something in my heart twinged. Her eyes and nose were pink, her lips swollen, and she looked exhausted.

After she got comfy, she met my eyes with her own; smiling softly.

"What you staring at, nosey?" She asked jokingly, her voice raspy.

I smiled back at her half-heartedly, and racked my brain to try and think of something to say. I wanted her to know that I was here for her, but I didn't want her to think I was prying. I didn't want her to feel she had to tell me anything, because it wasn't any of my business, but I didn't want her to have to keep it to herself.

"Um..." I mumbled, playing with the ends of the baggy sleeves of Billie's oversized hoodie that I had on. A little smile tugged at her lips as she watched my hands. "Can I give you a hug?"

The black-haired girl laughed breathily, wiping under her eyes and nodding, wrapping her arms around my neck. I felt her shakily exhale, and after a while she gently pushed me over so we were no longer on our sides, but so she was on top of me. She loosened her arms' grip and buried her face against my neck, whispering against my skin.

"Thank you."

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