Chapter 37

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Billie's POV

"Okay, Fin. Yeah, everything's alright. I'll pack later. Okay. Okay, yeah. You too. Okay. Night."

Sighing, I tossed the phone onto the other end of the bed as I stayed slumped against the headboard. Scanning the room lazily with my eyes, I felt my eyebrows furrow grumpily as I listened to the deafening ring of silence cursing through the place.

This was the first time on the whole tour so far that I'd been alone at night.

And, it sucked ass so far.

I sighed again, clicking my tongue and stretching across the bed to grab the remote, switching on the TV and scratching the back of my neck. I pretended to listen to Friends as my eyes glazed over slightly, my brain projecting imaginary scenarios of Q and Rose into my mind as I grimaced.

My phone buzzed, and for a split second my heart raced like it always does, in case it was her. It wasn't.

I pulled the duvet over my body as my chest got a little tight, and I tried to ignore the slight stinging in my eyes and throat. I couldn't think about it, not right now on my first night alone. I'd overthink it all, and think about how much it sucks that some dude is sleeping with my girlfriend instead of me, and that there's nothing I can do about it, and...

"Stop being a little bitch, Eilish," I mumbled to myself as I quickly wiped a few tears off my face, and sat up, grabbing my phone and hesitantly opening Instagram.

I saw Rose hadn't posted for a few days, and neither had I, but I just couldn't bring myself to. I knew management would see it, and I wanted to piss them off. Even though that probably wasn't a good idea.

Wiping the lone tear on my cheek quickly, my heart raced as I scrolled through my camera roll, looking for any photo to post and already thinking of a caption. I didn't wanna make the situation loud and known, but...

I wanted the people who knew to be able to understand it.

I smiled in accomplishment as I closed down the app, letting everyone figure it out in the comments

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I smiled in accomplishment as I closed down the app, letting everyone figure it out in the comments. There was a slight sinking feeling in my chest when I remembered I was here alone, but that only lasted for a second before there was a small knock at the door.

Absentmindedly checking few of my notifications, I dawdled over and swung the door open, looking up after a few seconds of silence, surprised whoever it was didn't talk.

The second I looked up, soft lips crashed into my own and arms flew around my neck, mine automatically finding her waist. I felt a tear against my cheek which I wasn't sure was hers or mine, and she pulled away just to bury her face in my neck and hold me tighter.

"I missed you, baby."

My heart fluttered at the sound of her voice as I lifted her up slightly off of the ground, spinning us around as her laughter filled my ears.

Our lips met again, but this time was short-lived.

"Okay, okay. I'm literally right here."

Rose pulled away with a sigh as I glanced up, seeing Q stood in the doorway as my jaw clenched. Rose's hand intertwined with mine as she rested her hand against my chest, silently telling me to stay calm, as she looked back at me, watching me stare Q down.

"Billie," she hesitantly spoke, running her fingertips along my cheek as I let my eyes meet here. "We just came here to ask if you wanted to come out to the movies with us."

She saw my facial expression change and quickly stuttered out more of the sentence to stop me from saying no.

"U-uh, we were thinking of inviting the whole group, too. So we can all go out before we leave tomorrow. Sound good?"

I was back to watching Q as he smiled at me before pulling out his phone. Rose's lips brushed against my ear as she whispered against my skin, and I already knew from the chills that got sent down my spine that I would go with them.

"Just say yes."

"She's taking it hard, dude. There hasn't been a minute so far where she's stopped planning ways to get out of it," Ethan mumbled before shoving a handful of popcorn into his mouth, smiling when Justin laughed at him. He glanced at me again before taking a drink, finishing his food. "You guys will come out of this, okay? Just accept it for a few days or whatever and we'll work together to sort it out."

A small smile tugged at my lips as I watched him dig into his popcorn again, and I scanned the room to see if Rose had come back from the bathroom yet.

We were all sat in a row, and luckily I was at the end with the twins and Claudia, as opposed to the opposite end with Q and Macy. Rose's empty seat was next to me, and just as the lights of the theatre began to dim, my phone vibrated in my hand.

mama: meet me at the car

My eyebrows furrowed as I quickly got up, squeezing past Ethan and Justin to get to the end of the row, both of them already too engrossed in the trailers to notice me leave. I made eye contact with Claudia as she furrowed her eyebrows, and I just shrugged, watching as she smiled and shook her head slightly before bringing her attention back to the large screen.

I jogged out of the movie theatre and through the big glass doors, looking around the parking lot before spotting the tour bus in the corner.

As I got closer, I noticed the driver wasn't there, which was strange because he usually waits in the bus for us to be done with whatever we're doing.

Hesitantly opening the door and climbing the couple of steps, I called out into the tour bus.

No reply.

I slammed the door shut behind me as I wandered through the empty bus, confusion filling my head.

Was this not where she meant?

... Was it even her who told me to be here?

My heart raced as I eventually got to the stairs at the back of the bus, sighing as I started climbing them.

The bus was dark, and, as the lights were off upstairs too, I couldn't see anything up there.

"Fuck no, I'm out," I called as I turned around to rush back down the stairs, before I heard a familiar giggle from the darkness ahead of me.

"Always so loud. My God, Eilish, you can't be sneaky for one second?"

Rose's heavenly laugh rang through the tour bus as I stayed put, looking into the darkness with nothing but confusion.

"Uh... Are you here or am I having some kind of whack hallucination right now?"

She laughed again, but this time closer, and I felt both of her hands land against my chest as she pressed a delicate kiss to my cheek.

"Kiss me, dumbass."

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