Chapter 37

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I saw some of the guests were looking at us curiously and I could kick Stefano for it. I bet that some of them heard what he said to Luke.

"Calm down Mona, steam is coming out your ears," he whispers and that just made me ten times more angrier. "Your son of a..." Before I could finish, he smacked his lips to mine and kissed me in front of everyone. I could here gasps all around us and tried to break free from him, but his arms were securely wrapped around me, so there was no way I could break loose.

"What the hell is wrong with you Stefano," I said the moment he takes his lips from mine. "I told you before, you are mine and I don't like someone else touching what's mine," he growls out. "Seriously Stefano, listen to yourself, I'm not a piece of property to put a mark on, so you better fix this. I might carry your baby, but that's as far as it goes."

I could see anger in his eyes, but didn't care at that moment. We stared at each other for a short while, then all of a sudden Stefano smiled down at me. What the hell, does he have a split personality or what. "I will make it right before this night ends il mio amore(my love)."

"You better Stefano, because its not right to give people a false impression." All of a sudden he pulls me against him and kissed me hard on the lips before walking away smiling, while I'm standing in the middle of the dance floor. I shake my head confused, then a thought went through my mind. Why did Stefano called me his love, or does he say those words to all woman. I look around and saw some of the guess were still looking at me, so I walk away slowly and bumped into someone. I looked up and saw Luke standing with a frown on his face.

"Are you ok Mona, should I get you something to drink." I shake my head while still trying to get Stefano's kisses from my mind. " Luke, I'm fine, I'm so sorry for Stefano's behavior," I said to him. He takes my hand and pulled me away from curious stares and led me to one of the benches in the garden, then came to sit next to me.

"If you wanna talk about it, I'm a excellent listener, or so they say" and I couldn't help but smile. "Thanks Luke, but things are a bit complicated between me an Stefano at the moment. I don't know why he brought up the wife story to you." I started explaining to him that I'm pregnant with Stefano's baby and that he wants to marry me for the baby's sake, but that I will only marry for love.

Luke didn't interrupt me once while I told him about our relationship and when I'm done I looked up at him. "Do you really want my opinion Mona," he asked and I nod my head at him. "From what you have told me Mona and from what I've seen tonight, Stefano cares about you, otherwise he wouldn't of shown so much possessiveness and when you talk about him, I hear passion in your voice, so my question to you, why do you deny the chance to be with him."

"You don't understand Luke, he is only concerned about the baby." Luke takes my hand in his and I look at our hands in my lap. "Mona, listen to yourself, do you really want to give everything up with Stefano. You have strong feelings for him and a baby needs both parents. Why don't you give it a try and see how things go."

I thought about Luke's words. Why should I deny myself a chance with Stefano, I'm past the stage of denying my feelings for him, but what if he's only playing with me. I look up at Luke again. "I'll see how things goes and take it from there." Luke smiles at me then. "Good and I guess a congratulations is in order," he said and pulled me in a hug.

"I want everyone here to join me in a toast to congratulate Mia and Diablo on their engagement ," we hear Stefano's voice loud and clear, so Luke got up and pulled me closer to the voice. As we got to the front, I saw Mia and Diablo standing to the side of Stefano, smiling. "Mia, I want to welcome you to the family and if ever you have a problem with Diablo, let me know so I can sort him out for you." People started laughing, then Stefano looks around and saw me standing with Luke  and his face changed to anger for a second before looking away.

He lifts his glass towards the happy couple and so did the guests. People started clapping after that, but Stefano holds his hands up to get everyone's attention again. "Ladies and gentleman, I know this party is held for my brother and Mia, but I have some news of my own as well." His eyes met mine again and I wondered what was going through his mind this time.

"Some of you might know that someone made me an honorable man as well and I would like for that person to come closer." I see some of the woman batting their eyes at him. "Mona, do you mind coming up here." What the hell is he playing at. "Go get your man," Luke whispers next to my ear and gave me a small push forward. I saw Stefano frown at me and people started calling out my name. Damn him for putting me on the spot like this, I thought while making my way to him.

I walked up to Stefano and our eyes meet again, his eyes went to Luke for a second, then back to me and I could see some anger in his face. He looks up to the guests. I want you all to know that I've asked Mona to become my wife and she agreed." My mouth were hanging open in shock. The next instance he turns to me with hooded eyes and take my hand in his and before I knew what's happening, Stefano slides a ring onto my finger and pulled me into his arms. I opened my mouth to say something, but he had other plans and before I knew what's happening, his mouth was on mine and his tongue delved deeply into my mouth. People started cheering and some whistled out loud, but I was only focused on Stefano's mouth on mine, his tongue doing crazy things to me and I went limp in his arm.

He breaks the kiss slowly, but kept me against him. " I hope your lover over there got the message loud and clear that you mine and if I ever see his hands on you again, he would pay dearly," he growls out before kissing me again.

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