Day 10 - Hot Chocolate and Peppermint

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Pairing/s: None
Characters/s: Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner
Canon: MCU
Au: None
Warnings: Kind of gross

Prompt - Hot Chocolate and Peppermint

Tony comes running when he hears a loud explosion and yelling. He calls the Iron Man armor, fully expecting some villain to have broken into the tower.

When he gets there, instead what he finds is that the villains are his team... who have seemed to have wrecked the communal kitchen. He cannot believe the mess before his eyes.

The stove is burnt black, more than likely completely unsalvageable. And the walls are covered in a horrible sticky brown mess.

Clint is sanding in the middle of the kitchen, eyes wide and is also covered in the sticky mess, it was probably not hard to guess who the culprit was. Nat is swearing at him in Russian. And Steve is... for whatever reason... is licking the walls?

Tony stares at them, speechless. Bruce runs into the kitchen from the other side of the room.

"What happened-?..." Bruce stops in his tracks as he takes in the scene before him. "What is going on here?" he asks and Tony has to give him credit for being able to recover so quickly.

Nat turns away from Clint to answer him. "Clint wanted to mix candy canes and hot chocolate to make 'Peppermint hot chocolate'... and he got distracted and forgot to watch the stove."

Tony frowns, that shouldn't explode. That should've just bubbled over and burned. "How...?"

"Special ingredient..." Clint mumbles, looking contrite.

"And that would be?" He asks, frustration dripping off each word.

"... a secret?" the archer mumbles.

Tony sighs and looks to Steve who is licking his fingers.

"It does taste like peppermint and hot chocolate, though a little burnt" Steve emits.

"Why are you even eating it? That's disgusting." He scolds him. Why would he even think to do that?

"You have hygiene-bots clean the place 24/7... the walls are clean. And I can't actually get anything bad from doing this." Steve says with a grin "It is kind of a waste to just get rid of it. It's not half bad."

"... That's not-... Steve-... You shouldn't..." He couldn't believe him. He was running a mad house.

"It's not that bad?" Clint asks Steve, cutting in over Tony.

"Nah, it's not bad" Steve assures the saboteur chef.

Clint walks over and gives the wall a cautious lick. Tony shudders at the thought.

To his horror, Nat too, wonders over to have a try of it, pulling out a knife to break a bit off the wall.

He thinks he must be either mad or dreaming. There is now way anyone in their right mind would... lick... walls.

Nat snaps off an extra bit and holds it out to Bruce. And yeah, he has to be on something right now, because Bruce actually comes forward to try it. Bruce wouldn't to that, he's a scientist... he knows better. He knows he knows better.

Bruce looks over at him and smiles carefully. "Tony, its fine. The whole place is sanitary, it's just a matter of if you trust Clint's cooking"

Clint flips Bruce off, not stopping his consumption of the damn wall.

"I can't even believe any of you." Tony grounds out. He turns on his heal and leaves "You know what? Do whatever you want, I'll be in my workshop, celebrating my sanity and common sense"


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