Day 21 - Mistletoe

75 4 0

Pairing/s: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Characters/s: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton
Au: None
Warnings: None

Prompt - Mistletoe

No one said that having a more familial Christmas would be this much work. Tony sits down on the couch with a huff. When you have other people to put up your decorations things were a lot easier.

Why couldn't Cap do this? He gives them enough orders in the field. Putting up decorations – or coordinating a superhero team to put up the decorations – was surprisingly tedious and tiresome. He didn't realize Christmas was so much work.

When Thor comes back here with a tree – which he dreads to think what the god may bring back here – he will set up the Christmas lights. Or well... after Cap finishes decorating it... after he comes back from getting said decorations.

At least that means he can take a break for now. Supervising the team was like watching over a bunch of Christmas crazed ferrets. And every now and then he would lose sight of one and they would return with some new trinket or tradition.

He hears Cap's voice down the hall, he probably has less time to rest then he thought. 'Might as well get back on my feet' he thinks. He heads towards where he heard Cap.

He makes his way into the communal living room. He spots Cap talking with Wasp about placement of... something. He groans at the thought of something new to think about.

Cap looks at him with a smile and heads over. "You look tired, Shellhead. Why don't you sit down and rest" the man says softly.

"Don't worry about me, Cap. I'm good. I run on batteries, don't you know" he says, laughing at his own joke.

Cap lays his hands on his shoulder and smirks. Before Cap can say anything further, there is a twang behind him.

Tony turns around at the sound to find Hawkeye standing there with his bow drawn.

"Clint! Please don't do that again." Cap says firmly.

'What again?' Tony wonders. He looks over to Cap then up at the ceiling. Embedded in the roof was one of Hawkeye's classic arrows with a bit of mistletoe attached with string.

"Wrong season, Cupid" he says dryly. Hawkeye gives him a mock salute and carries on. He turns back to Cap with a sigh.

Carefully Cap leans in and gives him a chaste kisses on the lips. "Go get some rest, Iron Man"

Tony heads off to his personal room smiling.


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