Day 23 - Gingerbread Houses

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Pairing/s: None
Characters/s: Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner
Canon: MCU
Au: None
Warnings: None

Prompt - Gingerbread Houses

Steve was just finishing up spreading the white frosting all over the roof of his gingerbread house when the first smarty went flying in his direction. He looked up a Bruce, but the man appeared to be hard at work on his own gingerbread house, focused on the confectionery before him.

He went back to his own work, carefully laying down chocolate freckles as roof tiles. He leaned in closer to his house as he gently put them in place, careful to lay them down evenly. It was because he was so close that he was able to see with full clarity as the second smarty came his way, as it bounced of the roof of his house. He wasn't imagining things.

Steve sat up and looked up at Bruce to receive a face full of shredded coconut. He looked down at his house which was now covered with the stuff. It was sabotage then.

Glaring at Bruce he grabbed a hand full of one hundred and thousands, and threw them at Bruce's house.

The scientist made a noise of mock offense, then with the biggest smile Steve has ever seen on the man, rips open the small bag of gold dust... sending the fine confectionery glitter his way in an almighty shimmering cloud of metallic dust.

It was on. And he never enters a fight he doesn't think he can win. He hopes Tony can forgive them for his kitchen.


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