Day 20 - Wrapping Presents

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Pairing/s: None
Characters/s: Tony Stark
Canon: MCU or AA
Au: None
Warnings: None

Prompt - Wrapping Presents

The colorful paper was slightly torn in places, and it was all squiffy and bunched up in others. He thinks he also used too much sticky tape. Boxes looked more egg shaped blobs, and any other shape was a twisted mess.

But in his defense he has never wrapped a gift before. The instructional videos he found online were only slightly helpful, and he admits he was slightly envious of their skill.

Tony was proud of his efforts though, and excited. Only a few more days to go until he can see his friends open what he got for them. Maybe they will make a few jokes here and there, but he knows they won't mind his messy wrapping.

Grinning at the lumpy mass of Christmas presents before him, he thinks, 'this is what Christmas should have felt like when I was a kid, this is what I missed'. He was happy he was getting the chance to have a proper Christmas now with the rest of the Avengers.


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