Day 25 - Merry Christmas!

74 4 0

Pairing/s: None
Characters/s: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Rest of the Avengers Team
Canon: MCU
Au: None
Warnings: None

Prompt - Merry Christmas!

Tony wakes with a groan, signalling JARVIS to turn off his alarm. He buries himself deeper into his bed not wanting to leave it just yet.

"Good Morning, Sir." JARVIS calls out, "And might I say, 'Merry Christmas'"

Tony groans loader. Another Christmas, full of insufferably happy people and sickening Christmas songs. Lunches and dinners where families pretend to tolerate each other for the sake of the holiday (and gift receiving).

His eyes snap open. This was not any Christmas. It was the first Christmas the Avengers will have had together. His team... his friends. Maybe even family.

He gets out of bed quickly, wishing JARVIS a 'Merry Christmas' as well as he heads to his wardrobe to get dressed. He wonders if anyone else is up yet. He changes quickly and heads out.

As he briskly walks down the hall he wonders if he had ever been this excited over Christmas, maybe when he was very young perhaps.

He enters the communal living room to see his team lounging about and chatting. Warmth fills his chest at the sight. The team all turn and look at his entrance. He can clearly see the joy in their faces at seeing him.

"Tony!" Steve greats him, coming forward to pull him into a hug. "Merry Christmas" he says. The others call out similarly.

Steve puts an arm around his shoulders and leads him to the couches. "We were thinking about watching a movie" he says.

"Sounds great" Tony gets out, hopping that he doesn't sound as choked up as he feels.

He looks around the room, taking in the team. All of them were buzzing with nervous excitement.

It struck him them, he doesn't know if any of the team had a good Christmas either. All of them were just as new to this, just as excited as he was. And they were all doing this together.

Two mad scientists, two super spies, a super soldier, and a god. They really were a weird mix. Outcasts.

His now family.


Happy Holidays, everyone!

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