Day 14 - 'Marshmallows for toasting...'

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Pairing/s: None
Characters/s: Tony Stark
Canon: MCU
Au: None
Warnings: None

Prompt - "Marshmallows for toasting"

Tony rolls his eyes as he sees the shopping list on the bench. There was only one person who still writes out a shopping list instead of just asking JARVIS for whatever it is they need. And the only one who still says please and thank you... or at least in such a way. All the other Avengers are quietly thankful for all he does for them, but Steve makes a point of being very clearly thankful.

The little doodles at the bottom of the list brings a smile to his face. A little Iron Man covered in tinsel flying around what he guesses is New York with an arm full of stars and gifts.

He sits down and skims over the list. "JARVIS, make an order for these items would you?" He holds the page flat for the cameras to scan threw.

"Certainly, Sir" The AI responds.

Tony smiles as he looks threw the list, Cap's standard order. He wonders if it weren't for Cap and himself if the rest of the Avengers would eat anything healthy at all. Natasha and Bruce eat whatever is available, Clint seems to want to live off junk food and Thor has the biggest sweet tooth he has ever witnessed.

An item on the list stands out to him, and he reads it over again. "Marshmallows..." he reads out loud, "... for toasting"

... Saying it out loud, 'Marshmallows for toasting', makes it hit home that he is actually going to have a damn Christmas. A proper Christmas. Not the kind with booze and strippers... but with friends and laughter- and Christmassy...things. It is the Avengers first Christmas together. Maybe he will get the Christmas he always wanted as a kid after all, he thinks grinning.


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