Part 7: Meeting Olivia

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I couldnt believe it! I never thought James would like me... but how am i supposed to break the news that im with Luke... I pulled out my iphone and texted Luke, "Luke can you text me Jai's number?" I dont really know why i thought of Jai, but i thought he might be able to help. Luke seemed confused, but he texted me the number anyway. I called Jai, "Hello?" Jai said.. "Hey, its Paige, listen.. i just found out about James... his friend told me that he had a crush on me.. can you tell James that me and Luke are together?" Jai was silent for a little bit.. "Alright, but shouldnt you be in class?" he said sarcastically. I hung up. I didnt really want to stay in school, i think if i see James things will get to weird..

I walked down to the principals office and said i was feeling very sick, "Do you need me to phone your father?" The principal said. "No, dad isnt home, but i can arrange a friend to pick me up, my stomach isnt feeling very well.." After half an hour, she finally agreed to let me go. I walked to the front gate and texted Luke, "Hey, can you come pick me up? I need to talk to you." I didnt have to wait long until Luke showed up with Jai, Beau and some girl.. Jai and Luke got out of the car, "Paige, Jai told me what happened.." Luke said, holding my hands. "I told you, i was never going to leave.." I said to Luke. The girl that was in the car with the boys got out.. "Paige, this is Olivia, shes a really close friend of mine," Jai said hugging Olivia. Luke asked if i wanted to just walk home with him, i think that was the best way to go, so we did. As me and Luke were walking, Luke held onto my hand, we walked silently for a while, "Are Jai and Olivia.. dating??" I asked.. he looked at me, "No, but they have known each other since they were kids." As we arrived to my house, i unlocked the door and invited Luke in. 

"You have a cat?" Luke said petting Lilley. I smiled, "Yea, her names Lilley, ive had her ever since I was 9, she keeps me company while dads at work." Luke stood up and hugged me, "I can keep you company, you know that right?" I smiled and gave him a kiss. We walked up-stairs and into my room, we sat on the bed and talked, Luke seemed unsure about the whole James thing, "So, do you have those sort of feelings for James?" he said worried, "Of course not! im in love with you Luke! i promise." Luke's face eased up and he smiled.. Luke pushed me down on the bed and started kissing me.. things got heated.. Luke slipped off his shirt, I unbuttoned mine Luke pulled my shirt off, and you can guess what happened next.. it was amazing... I couldnt of pictured it any other way... PERFECT. We ended up falling asleep in each others arms, I woke up and put my clothes back on while Luke was still asleep. I went downstairs to make breakfast and saw dad had left a note on the fridge.. it said "Sorry Paige, I had to work early again today, but i went and bought you some more breakfast, there are pancakes in the pantry." Ooh Pancakes! I made some for me and Luke, i brought the plate of pancakes upstairs and saw Luke awake, laying in bed. "Hey," he said. I smiled, "Hi, i made pancakes.. want some?" He nodded his head and stood up to put his pants back on. He sat back down on the bed next to me and hugged me again before eating some pancakes. 

After breakfast, I looked at the clock.. 7:55, i got up and got ready for school. After i had a shower and got dressed, i fixed my hair and started to go out the front door, Luke chased after me and said he would walk with me. Luke and I walked hand in hand.. again. After i got to school, Luke gave me a kiss goodbye and said he would see me after school, he had to go with Beau somewhere for the day. As i walked through the gate i saw James, "Oh, hi Paige." he said to me. ":Hey, are you alright?" He smiled, "yea, sorry about yesterday, do you remember Olivia?" I nodded. Olivia came walking up to us. "Hey Paige!" Wow, Olivia came to Penola? "Hey Olivia, i didnt know you went to school here!" she smiled, "I had yesterday off because i was feeling sick, so Jai came around and we hung out." I laughed. Olivia, James and I walked down to class, Olivia was amazing! we liked all the same things and it was good that i could hang out with her because she was in most of my classes. I spent the whole day hanging out with her and James. After school, Olivia gave me her number so we can chat and hang out some time. After school I saw Luke waiting for me at the gate. Beau drove us to my house, but when i tried to open the door, dad still wasnt home! I invited Beau and Luke in and we watched movies until i got a phone call. It was dad, he said he wouldnt be home until midnight. but i wasnt really worried though, i had Luke and Beau to hang out with. My phone vibrated, a message? Oh, it was from Olivia! "Hey Paige, me Jai, Daniel and James are heading out bowling tonight, want to come?" I replied asking her if Luke and Beau could come too, luckily we were all invited.

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