Your a WHAT?!?!?

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I lay onto the floor for some breather and pull out the pregnancy test. Might as well make this official. I use the pregnancy test and wait three minutes. and of course it said +.

I hear a nock on the door, and so I look up, and shout.

"Who is it"

"It's me. um ash I think is waiting for you down stair, ah. freaking out. an looking at the children wandering, if there all yours." Damon's voice peers through the door.

"Are you ok?" Damon adds.

"Mm? ya. just pregnant." I can feel Damon's smile from the bathroom.

"Are you sure.?" he says hopeful.

"Hell yes, I'm sure" I smile.

I pop in a breath mint and walk towards the door that I had locked and unlocked it.

Damon grabs ahold of my hand and walks me down stairs. before we enter the living room Damon have a questioned look and I have him a hold on.

I walk into the living room and I see Ash sitting on the couch staring at Jason. and the others are walking around mumbling random things like I did when I was a kid.

Ash looks up at me and half smiles.

"Ar-e um Are all these kids yours and his?" I smile and nod my head and Damon holds onto my hand.

"Also did you just use super speed?" I look at him and half giggle half chuckle.

"No it's called vamp speed." he looks at me wide eyed and almost scared. I sit down next to him and let everything out.

Like how I slept with Nick but not him, and also broke up with him and not tell him were I was at everything how the kids came to be and how I'm pregnant now and were Damon came in this and how I'm a vampire.

"So let me get this straight your a princess, an he is a prince of vampires. and you can get pregnant all the time; when ever you want to?" he says stund.

I nod my head and Damon who was leaning up against the wall holding Rose while she slept, looks at me and asks.

"So? were you pregnant with Nicks baby's while you were with Ash?"

I look and Damon with my deadly eyes and let him know I'm going to kill him. this is pay back for not telling him about Ash.

"Yes, but after we had sex and I got pregnant, I was not really sure at the time if I was pregnant so the day before I saw Nick at the pharmacy I broke it off with Ash." I felt bad for what I did. I give Ash a smile.

"So why did you call me.?" Ash asks bluntly.

"Well if you could take the children for awhile, it would be great. you know Lily just had a baby and my parents in-law can't take them because I need them in hiding so they are safe. so can you take them?." I let the words shake off of me.

"For how long? because there is a lot of them and only one of me." I look at him and know that he's going to have to have help. He has never been good with kids but I can trust him.

"Well a long as it takes for me to figure out what's happening, but I'll give you some of our loyal guards and maids and trainers to and money all the money you need to help you keep safe and quite."

Ash takes in a breath and let's it out harshly.

"Ok, but if anything too wired happens I'm out." I give him a huge hug, and stand up off the couch.

"Ok we have an hour to get everyone packed up and out of the house." I say in a hurry.

"Wait I'm taking them today?" he sounds nervous.

Pregnant with a Vampire?- SequelWhere stories live. Discover now