The King

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We made our way to the living room, two guards of my son and another just in case.

Alex looks at me with the most pleading sad eyes and it makes me want to cry. I put my hand on my belly and sit next to damon. Damon wraps his arms arounds me connecting them to his hand and kisses me on my forhead. in a pretectuive stance. I laugh at his protectiveness.

"Hey mama." I suck in a big breath.

"Hi." I let out softy.

Damon holds me tight.


"Shh!" I shh Nick.

"They are coming for you soon. you know that right?" Alex's voice is strong and well held together.

I sit on the couch listening to every word as my life depends on it.

I nod.

"What the hell is going on?" Damon's grip on me tightens.

"I'm Alex your son, The highest king of kings. I am ruler of all creatures in the future." he pauses and looks at me. " My mother was torn away from me when I was born because she made a deal and she gave in to keep me safe." Alex's eye never leave mine.

He radiates power just like Damon does.

"So. I was murdered?" my voice came out calm.

"Yes well we think so." he study my face.

Questions start to pop through my head.

Alex seems to notice my sudden confusion.

Damon grabs my hand and kisses it, Nick leans in and Alex starts to spill everything.

He told me that Adams was a crazy old hag who you really couldn't trust, she has a thing for the evil king, and she is a compulsive liar.

But she did say something's where true.

The dream state I was put into was by the evil king who wanted y sons spot. He told me that when I was in labor the evil king was going to kill Alex, but I told him something that no one knows except me or I will know.

He even explained how he was able to travel through time into my mind. he told me that my children where so desperate to meet me. he also says they are the pain in the ass.

He said even being the younger he was the most mature. I laughed at that part.

He told me that after I made the deal they let Alex live, but I disappeared and was never found. The dark lord found out about me through his future son, truth be told he was never able to time travel like my son he forced a black witch to send him.

Years past as he grew and his brothers and sisters soon started to notice his gift normally right of the bat you could tell, but his was so powerful that is progress so slow.

He slowly learned how to travel through time by minutes then hours, days years, he told he trained his whole life to get to me.

"Why did you send Nathan and not yourself?" the question has been bothering me for quite awhile.

"I didn't know if it would work, and Nathan didn't care if he didn't make it back, he was so desperate to see you... we all are... even dads."


"Dads?" Nick asked beating me to it.

"You and dad both fell into a depression. you both care for mother deeply in your own ways, you both raised us even in your depression." His was speaking fast as if he was on the clock.

I nod feeling a bit queasy. something doesn't feel right.

I let a little whimper out as I feel the sickening scratch on my belly.

I quickly jolt up at look over at Alex. "don't give in please I will sacrifice anything for you." I blink and he's gone.

I turn to Damon and then Nick both their faces have pailed, and I feel a wetness between my legs.

My water just broke.

"What no it's to early." panic reach my heart.

Everything start spinning Damon and Nick weren't moving almost as if they could'nt.

"Help me!!" I screamed. the pain I feel with this baby is so powerful it's agonizing. it's stronger that anything.

"Alex!" where did Alex go? Everything went black as my head hit the floor.

The pain inside me is what woke me up.

"Look at that she's waking up." the voice made me cringe, and at the same time a contraction shot through me.

"Dilated ten sir." No no!!!

"Okay you need to push now." my eye flutter open to a white room. my eyes travel around only to see a women with a pregnant belly and human man looking at me with hatred.

I knew in this moment who he was.

"Your the dark lord." I seethed.

"No actually im not." he laughs and points to the the pregnant women's belly. "my son is."

Pain exploded through me.

A knife is drawn from the man and placed on my neck.

"Push or you both die." I let a cry out as a contraction hit and I pushed.

A cry filled the room and the pregnant women's face filled with disgust.

"Do I really have to raise it?" she snaps.

Raise my baby? oh my god they got the whole thing wrong they are not going to kill Alex they are going to make him theirs.

"No please." I cried.

Something was placed around my mouth to shut me up and my baby was taken away from me. My cries filled the room.

Where am I?

My hands where forced up above my and unknown figure.

And the knife the man held against my neck was removed.

My whole body was sore and all I wanted to do was sleep.

The pregnant women took my pore boy in her hands, and walked out of the room.

These humans they are taking everything away from me.

I screamed, a my eyes began to droop.

This is not was I saw coming.

"Oh no you don't." my eyes snap open as my wrist is slashed.

"I will let you go if you give me what I want." the man spoke up.

I shook my head.

"Leo grab her legs and slash them." the man behind me pulls up front of me and slashes my numb legs.

Blood drips out as he collects it.

I sob.

The object that was keeping me from talking was ripped off me.

"Give me your kingdom and I will let your son go." my heart stopped.

This is the deal.

Pain erupt through my whole body.

Don't give in.

The pain raises and my sore back arches off the table.

I screamed. "Okay! you may take my life, my kingdom, but fucking mess with my children and you will die."

The man smiled.

"That was easy Fredrick." Leo spoke.

That's his name.

My bounds where undone and I was lifted off the bed.

I pulled the man to my ears. "you will never have the power of my kingdom. you will rot in hell."

Rage filled me almost a million times worse than any anger I ever felt.

"I have great plans for you." my eyes began to droop without control.

He will not get me never I'll die before he gets what he wants.

How could I do this to my family? I was told not to give In and I gave in so easily.

Something in my brain clicked.

Your powerful, don't let them steal your future.

What the hell?

I was being carried out of the room, and a almost bomb like sound went off and sirens ring all around my ears.

Suddenly a force so strong pushed me out of the arms of this man.

I flew to the ground in a hall.

"The fuck." I had no control over my body, something, someone was controlling me.

The man shot through the white walls.

The force dropped and I felt my power weaken.

I had just enough energy and I finally moved. walking to the now dying man.

I whispered in his ear. "Don't. Mess. With. A. Mother." I look him dead in the eyes.

"You child will be ripped from his mothers hands, and I will raise him my self, and you are going to watch it." I bit my hand and gave him my blood so he would heal.

I hit him so hard on the face, I knocked him out.

I get up and start to walk, and I felt so tired, all my energy was drained.

"There she is!" my body was released from what ever just happened and I fell to the ground weak.

"Oh my god! baby look at me." I couldn't open my eyes all I could think about was my baby.

"Baby." I choked.

"Nick find my baby."

I have no idea what's happening.
I couldn't open my eyes.

My mothers voice could be heard. "I used a control spell, her magic was stripped from a potion they must have given her."

"Will she be okay?" Damon held me close and whispered into my ear how much he loves me.

"Yes, but she's weak and she did something to push it. We need to get out of here, these humans are too strong... I don't know how."

My heart sped up and I feel the stiffen from Damon.

I need my baby, but I couldn't move, my body was out of place and out of control.

"We found him." a baby scream filled the room and the dread I felt left and I was taken into the abyss.

Okay everyone.... sad to say this *sniff *sniff, but I'm ending the book next chapter with an epilogue.

The end will explain everything, and if I don't answer it something that confuses you ask me on the comments and I will answer you.

Also I think I'm going to do a book on Alison the daughter and how she finds her mate Eli.

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