Death is the Futures Past.

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I feel my body cool and I move my self a little and realize I'm in a bed.

I lift my self up, and cringe at the pain and energy it's take to get me up.

"What happened?" I question my self.

I lift the blankets off of me, and remove my feel off the bed and onto the ground. I rub my belly.

"Mommy is so glad you are safe." I rub my belly not just for my unborn child but for all my children I miss them so much.

I lift my self off the bed and slowly move my self towards the door. Hear yelling, and screams.

I open the door an my bare feet make a crackle noise as they hit the wooden floor.

I look at my surroundings. I'm not at my house I must be at the castle. Damon's old room?

I slowly make my way towards the stair case and the shouting gets worse.

"She will burn, and so will that child." a women screams.

The voice gives me chills, and I know exactly way. it's her the women who tortured me for years.

"You try and I'll snap your neck so hard it will fall off." Nick spat back to her.

What changed in Nick? why is he acting so. so nice? I mean he was once nice, but his niceness died the day I met damon.

"Why did you try to kill her?" Damon yelled.

I sat down at the stair case at a point were they couldn't see me and listened.

"He told me if I didn't try now, that later it would be to late." she spat.


"Late? late for what?" Damon's demanded spitting venom.

I hear a sob and the women brakes down and cries. I can't help but feel sorry for her, she did try to kill me, but there is something way more too it.

"He told me to kill her, I'm from the future, that's all I can say, if I say more he will hurt me way more than kill me, please kill me." the women begged.

"Take her to the seller for future questioning." Damon seethed.

"NO!!! please kill me!!!!" the conversation ended with that and she was gone.

I sat there about to get up when I heard.

"What do we do?" Nick asks.

"Keep her safe, as long as she doesn't know the reason why your still her the better." Damon spits out still mad.

What? what are they not telling.

Something hit me, like a small rap on my head and everything flooded in all the memory's of what happened when I woke of. I weakly let a tear escape my eye, but just as quickly as it fell I wiped it away. I'm not going to be the crying person anymore I done with that.

I stand up and walk into view of both Nick and damon. "bailey!!" Damon says and rushes so me, and pulls me into his arms. his hard chest breathing up and down from all the yelling.

We pull apart and he places a small kiss on my lips. I smile by avoid it. I'm not going to let him kiss me when he's lying to be, it's like kissing dirt to me.

I walk away towards to kitchen. I walk in and jasper is sitting at the table drinking some blood.

"So I'm guessing what happened to me that stuff she put in me went away?" I ask jasper.

"I dont know. all I know is that it shows that it's cleared. so far you are fine." jasper gives me a smile and I give him one back.

"Is there anymore blood possibly O-? I look at jasper questionably.

"Ya it's in the fridge." I smile and nod in a thank you and grab it.

I drink the whole pint in under a minute. I must have been so hungry. when was the last time I ate?

After I ate I felt that I had mor energy. just as I was finishing the pint don and Nick wakes into the room.

"So?" Nick says.

"So.?" i ask back.

"Bailey you've been out for quite awhile, and in the dream state you seemed pretty out off it I just wanted to know if your ok? we can always talk about it." he states.

"Yes I'm fine, and no we can't JUST talk about it, you have to remember you tried to kill me, tried to kill my baby and you tricked me so many times, what in the hell are you still doing her alive?"

SORRY!!!!! For the late update. I was going to do it wed, but school got in the way, but now it's Thanksgiving break, and I'll be updating way more!!!!! way!!!!!!!




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