Let's Make a Deal

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After Simon yelled at me, I figured that the least I could do was leave the room, and leave him in peace. I admit, my dignity may have been slightly tarnished, but I pushed the thought aside when I thought about Simon crying in front of my face.

When he doesn't give a shit, neither should I. It's been a good half hour since I left, and all I've been doing in that time was walk around the boys dormroom hallways. Climbed up the stairs, wandering, and making my way back down.

I figured that it's getting late, and I'd like nothing more than to go to bed. I'll do nothing more, just brush my teeth and change, then go to sleep.


I hear footsteps behind the door, and I scramble to throw the diary back under Baz's bed. Then I curse myself for it, placing the book back where it was originally. When Baz opens the door, I realize I'd been so caught up with that book, that I'd forgotten to clean up some of the disaster.

I'm struggling to make out what Baz is feeling as his eyes wander the floor, the bed's, the drawers. He hasn't said a word, making it rather difficult to make out any emotions. I haven't decided if his silence is a good or bad thing.

Neither of us have moved from our position in the room. Baz doesn't peel his eyes away from the floor as he reaches behind himself to shut the door.

Then he laughs. Not just a chuckle, a fully on belly laugh. I'm stunned, still unable to move from my place. I scan his face once again. It must be genuine laughter, considering the fact that tears are forming in Baz's eyes. He's bent over, hands holding his middle.

"Holy shit," He chokes out, before returning to his cackling. At this point I've come to the conclusion that Baz is in hysterics, so I ignore him and start picking up clothing from the floor.

"Oh fuckkk Snow! What the hell did you do?" He walks over to the space between our beds and picks up a t-shirt from the floor, peeling off the one he is currently wearing. I want to knock his lights out when Baz discards his old shirt on the floor.

I fight to keep my mouth shut though, because I've had enough of his shit for a week. I'll take whatever peace I can get. Baz saunters into the bathroom and starts to brush his teeth. I was hoping he'd shut the door so I wouldn't have to hear or look at him.The door remains very much open.

Thank crowley he's keeping to himself. I couldn't care less that Baz is going to let me clean this. He and I both know that his magic could fix this in a matter of seconds.

Let him mock me. Let him laugh at me. Because I've got something against him now. A little blue book.

I wish my magic was up to par with everyone else's more than ever. I wish I could use magic to open that diary. Leave it to the smart ass in the other room to figure out I wouldn't be able to open that if I tried.

That leaves me two options, try melting the lock off and risk burning the entire thing, or look for the key. I decide to drop the subject and focus on cleaning the room, as I have time to figure the rest out. What he's been plotting.

With my head cleared, I don't even notice when Baz walks back into the room. I Hear him shuffle around in his bed, so I risk a glance. Baz turns to face the wall and pulls the covers nearly up to his nose, leaving me to my cleaning.

The lamplight illuminates the room, and I wonder how Baz can sleep with it still on. He's not sleeping though, I realize as I glance at Baz, his breathing tells me that much.

"Serves you right." I mutter. I really didn't intend for him to hear me, but Baz does, and perks up.


I keep my tone as calm as I can. "Snow, I really don't feel like fighting you right now. So can you clean your shit and go the fuck to sleep please?"

I can practically see the anger radiating off of Snow. "This is your  shit too you know! Can't you just use your fucking magic and fix this?! I'm tired, dammit, and I'm sorry! I didn't mean for things to get this out of hand!" Simon yells.

I can tell that he's fighting back tears. He's already cried in front of me once today and twice would just humiliate him.

"How about we make a deal, Snow?" I say, because I've been trying to figure out how to ask Simon this for a while now.

He doesn't speak, giving me the okay to continue. "I'll spell this mess away if you do me a favour." He perks up slightly, then tries to hide it.

"Baz." He growls. "Spell the fucking room back!"

"So you'll do it?" I say, biting my lip in an attempt to hide my smirk. The boy doesn't know what he's getting himself in to.

"As long as it's not wiping your ass for you, then sure I'll do it. Now spell the room back!"

"How do I know you'll really do it?" I say. Simon is practically shooting daggers at me with his eyes, but he stops to think about it.

"Isn't there some magic thing I can swear on or something?" Simon is eager, I can tell. Eager to be done with this disaster he's created.

"I can cast a spell after you say you'll do it, binding you to your word, yep."

"I want to know what I'm doing for you, then." If I tell Snow he'll say no for sure, I guarantee it.

"You're going to say no if I tell you the favour, so just say the words and I'll spell this room all nice and tidy for you."

"Baz." He growls. "What can be that bad that I'll back out of you spelling this mess away?"

"I'm not telling you." I hum. It's not very long before Simon gives up his internal fighting and gives in to my deal.

"Get your wand out." Simon tells me, and I do. "Listen carefully, I'm only saying this once. Hurry up and cast your spell, Baz."

I cast whatever you say! Before Simon speaks. "I will do your favour."

When I move to drop my wand, Simon grabs for my wrist. "Spell the room back." He hisses. I point my wand at the biggest heap of clothes that I can see, casting as you were! And just like that the room is back to normal.

Simon visibly relaxes and slumps down on to his bed. I sink down on to mine.

"What is this damn favour I've got to do for you?" Simon asks. I have to say, I'm scared. I shouldn't be scared to tell Simon, but I am.

"What is it Baz!?" I have to say it. He has to do this favour for me anyways, it'll make no difference if he gets angry or not.

"Well," I start. I'll make this as short as I can. "You know how we're getting our annual break in two days, a week out of Watford?" I say. Simon nods, and his foot bounces nervously.

"Well, I know you don't have any plans and before you ask, Everyone else has plans over the break, so they couldn't do this favour for me. You weren't my first choice,more like my last. So, my parents are expecting me to bring someone home in that time, and obviously I'm not dating anyone. You're going to be my pretend boyfriend, Snow."

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