A Body to Love

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Possible trigger warning for this chapter. It will be dealing with someone who is not happy with their body image.

Also, thank you guys for the love I've been receiving for this fic! Hope you enjoy this chapter! 

-Beezeena :D



Waking up to Simon is pleasant, no doubt. The circumstances aren't exactly what I'd hoped for, though I'm in no position to complain.

Simon groans and stretches his arms behind his back next to me, alerting me that he's woken. "Baz?" He croaks.

I look over at him silently only to find a pair of blue eyes already locked on mine. "Are you feeling alright Baz?"

"Yeah Simon. Must you continue to make me feel like shit for passing out?" I ask, a hint of annoyance in my tone.

"I should be the one feeling bad!" Simon says, sitting up completely now, the covers pooling in his lap. "I'm the one who caused you to pass out in the first place, I didn't mean to make you feel bad about it... or, embarrassed. Anything like that." He mumbles.

My heart swells at how sweet Simon looks right now. His hair falls into his eyes as he stares down his hands, which are fiddling in his lap. Simon breathes an exasperated sigh, lifting his eyes back up to mine.

Just to show a little bit of common courtesy I raise an eyebrow and ask, "Did I interrupt your sleep at all? Touch you in any private places during the night accidentally?" Simon actually snorts at that, and I can't help but crack a grin.

"I'll take that as a no?" Simon nods confirmation and I breathe a sigh of relief. As much as I've yearned to touch Simon, doing it against his will and while he's trying to sleep would not have been favourable.

Simon scrubs at his eyes. "What time is it?" He asks, twisting around to search the room for a clock. Once he finds the old analog on the far wall he laughs a quiet laugh. "Its past 1 in the afternoon, Baz. Lord, we slept in a hell of a long time. You're excusable considering how drained your fainting episode must have been, but me," We both laugh a little.

"Are you hungry at all? I can bring something up for you to eat if you'd like." Simon shakes his head and drags his gaze to the door.

"No, I'm not very hungry right now. I'll probably grab something to eat a little later." I nod and crawl around Simon to get off the bed.

An old t-shirt and sweatpants are what I settle on wearing for today. It's not like anyone'll be seeing me but Simon and my family. I turn my back to Simon as I pull my shirt over my head.


I don't think Baz realizes what he's done until it's too late. I won't say I'm not enjoying the view, though. The muscles in Baz's back shift as he lifts his shirt over his head. Though I can't see his front, I'm able to tell by the slowing of Baz's arms that the realization has hit him.

We've always changed in the bathroom, never in front of each other. Sure, over the multiple years that Baz and I have shared a room, we've seen each other shirtless. But that was mostly after he's come back from a game of football or one of us had slept topless, only to put a shirt on immediately.

Instead of saying anything, Baz grabs the pile of clothes in front of him casually and walks over to the bathroom wordlessly.

I'm too scared to check if I'm blushing. Of all the times I've gotten a little of that sight, never have I felt anything but annoyance towards Baz. Never has my gaze lingered like it did just now. My feelings for Baz are getting harder and harder to contain. I'm more than afraid that I'll do something stupid on impulse, like kiss him.

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