Chapter Five

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The older lady circled around Emma, studying every inch of the woman, her blonde hair, green eyes, her nose, her body structure. "Oh no my dear child." She whispered as tears flowed. "You have returned to me, Ahikā... my child, my daughter."

"Your daughter?" Emma whispered.

"Yes. Before I was captured here, I had been searching for you and your sister. Have you found your sister?"

"My sister?" Emma's mind was bugging out.

"Regina, how long has she been here for?"

"She only arrived today Mal, and it was only because of some traits she showed when she turned angry that I thought you would know who she was. She still doesn't believe me about our past."

"Well, maybe I can show her. Would you allow me this opportunity, dear Emma?" Mal asked.

"Ahh... sure." Emma gulped, had she really just found her mother?

"Please, do not panic when you see this. Just know, that I will never hurt you. I love you, but once you see what I am about to do, please don't run.

And run, Emma did not. However, upon the transformation of the older blonde into a dragon, well, passing out in Regina's arms said enough.

"I think that went great Mal." Regina scolded her friend.

"What else did you expect me to do? After this, I'm sure she will start believing something."

"Right. Let's take her back to my home and let her rest. I'm sorry I kept you down here Mal, but I had to not only for your safety but also the people of this town. Please forgive me?" The brunette asked as her friend took Emma's left arm and swung it over her shoulders.

"Because you brought me back my child Regina, I will forgive you this one time. But if you pull another stunt like that or hurt my baby, I cannot promise you any more forgiveness." The blonde grumbled.

"You have nothing to worry about, I will never hurt Emma, I could never do that to my son, Emma is the real mother to my adoptive son, Henry." Regina replied quietly while wondering if that was the only reason.

"I'm a grandmother?" Mal screeched with happiness.

"Yes, yes you are." The raven-haired beauty beamed.

The witches returned to the mansion, lying their patient onto the couch in the living room before Regina retreated to the study to pour themselves a drink.

"So, Maleficent, I think there is something you need to share with me."

"And what would that be?" The Queen of Darkness asked with a raised eyebrow.

"To begin with, fate depicted that the child of Snow White & Prince Charming would break my curse in her 28th year, not the child of a dragon."

"Hmmm... interesting." Maleficent whispered before continuing. "What makes you think that Emma will break your curse."

"Henry. I'm not sure how he accessed this knowledge, but nearly everything he has shared with us tonight leads to Emma being the Savior. Supposedly, she was born out of true love and possesses the greatest white magic to ever exist. However, from everything I have seen of Emma today, the only aspects of magic I have seen are her tendencies to express her draconic traits. Clear to explain?"

"It's a long story, Regina. One that I had not shared with you prior to the curse." Maleficent took a sip of her drink and dropped her gaze to her glass as if hypnotized by the amber liquid.

"I believe we have time, Mal." Regina pushed.

"I was pregnant. I fell in love with a beautiful woman, a shapeshifter. It was love at first sight, her beauty was like no other I had seen before, in my eyes Regina she was more beautiful than you. I thought I would finally have my happy ending but as we know, villains never have happy endings. I don't know what happened, one minute we were in love and the next she had disappeared. That was when I realized I was pregnant with twins. To be pregnant with twins was a blessing, but to have them share the same egg is very rare. I never shared that with anyone, but I did tell a few people." The woman took another sip of her drink before Regina stood to refill their glasses.

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