Chapter Fifteen

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"What are you doing here, mother?" Regina asked hesitantly, knowing full well that her mother's presence spelled danger for anyone who went against her, especially for Regina.

"Now, Regina, is that any way to greet your dear mother that you have not seen for a very long time? I taught you better than that, dear daughter." Regina's mother smiled.

Ignoring the reply, Regina felt her anger simmering within. "Where is my son? I want him now." She demanded.

"Don't worry yourself about my grandson, he is being well cared for. Now, introduce me to your friend, Regina." The elder Mills requested as she gestured towards the blonde standing beside her daughter.

Clenching her fists, Regina's eyes never leaving her mother. "If anything happens to Henry, I can assure you that your death will be nigh."

"Enough! I want to meet your friend."

Gnashing her teeth together, Regina inhaled and exhaled slowly before turning to Emma, accepting the comfort of the woman's eyes before sighing. "Emma, meet my mother, Cora Mills. Mother, meet the Savior, the daughter of Maleficent and..."

"The Wolf." Cora interrupted. "I heard. I also heard the two of you are together" She replied dismissing her daughter's surprised stare. A brief moment passed before she asked. "Are you happy, Regina?"

Cautiously roaming her eyes over her mother's face to gauge if this was a trick, Regina knew there could be consequences if she did say the truth but she couldn't let Emma believe that she was not happy. She was more than happy, she was ecstatic, over the moon and every other cliché she could think of that described her happiness. She returned to lock eyes with Emma and smiled when the younger dragon brought her arm around Regina's waist to hold her.

"Yes mother, I am happier than I have ever been, but that does not deter my interest in your presence here in my town."

"Interesting." Cora deadpanned.

"Your mother is here to help me achieve my objective, dearie." The old man cackled with delight.

"Which is what?" Emma asked.

"Well, to get rid you and the Evil Queen of course." To which he received a loud growl from Red. "But before your departure to the Underworld, I want my Belle, we both know you have her hidden away Regina, and you're going to pay with your life." Rumpel threatened as he moved to stand in front of Regina, smiling. Emma's hold around Regina's waist tightened and pulled Regina behind her, Red released another low threatening growl, Snow White had nocked an arrow to her bow and pointed it directly at Rumpel's chest while Maleficent and Starla stepped forward ready to attack, all surrounding Regina.

Regina was awestruck by the defensive stand of this band of women. She has never had anyone stand by her side, or stand up to defend and protect her, she definitely marveled at Snow White's stance among the women and made a mental note to thank her, as much as it grated her to do so.

"She's mine, Regina." Rumpel continued. "You had no right to keep her from me. I am going to end you and your little tag team partners here, they will all die because of you." He snarled as he lifted his hand to incite a spell only to gasp in surprise before a word was uttered.

"Now, now, Rumpel. Is that any way to treat my daughter?" The elder redhead asked as she held a beating black heart within her clutch. Regina's eyes widened in astonishment at the sudden intrusion of her mother and pushed forward to stand by Emma, no one had noticed the witch moving during Rumpel's tirade of threats.

"Cora." He gasped. "What are you doing? I brought you here to defeat them."

"If you had come to me a month earlier, I may have joined you in returning Regina to me," Cora turned to her daughter. "But she's happy and I can see this woman loves her and will protect her. That is all I ever wanted for my child until you convinced me to remove my heart."

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