Chapter Twelve

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Ruby leaned forward bushing her lips softly against Maleficent's own. They were ecstatic to have found each other again. "I love you," Ruby whispered taking Maleficent's hand in hers as she turned to acknowledge Emma.

"Yeah, Emma, I am. I know it can be hard to believe considering the way I'm dressed and how young I look." Ruby grinned. "But, now that my memories are back, I can honestly say that dang, your mother and I sure made beautiful looking babies." To which everyone in their booth laughed. "I don't speak with a silver spoon in my mouth, and I don't dress like the queens sitting beside us. However, I love just as great as they do, I am loyal to those I love and will protect them until my last breath. You're my child, you and your sister are the product of our true love, and I am immensely proud of the woman you are, plus I get the addition of a grandson who I have indulged in since his mother first started bringing him into the diner." Ruby expressed.

"Oh, Rubes," Emma whispered as she flew out of her side of the booth towards her mother. "Or should that be mom?" She smiled.

"You can call me whatever you like, and if I'm offended, don't be surprised if you end up with a wolf bite on your ass." Ruby threatened in jest as she tightened her grip around her laughing daughter.

The next few days were some of the best Henry had experienced. Days were spent together as a family getting to know each other. He marveled at the new addition to his family, Ruby being his grandmother was as unexpected as finding out Maleficent was his grandmother. But he loved Ruby, she always took time out for him, and now that Granny was his great, great grandmother... that just blew his mind. His family grew from only two generations to four generations in less than a week, all that was missing was his Aunt Lily. Until she arrived, he was basking in the happiness that surrounded his family, by day they were all together and then by night his grandparents return to their cabin in the woods, while he and his parents return to their rooms. His parents also spoke to him about their episode with his former teacher, well a PG13 version of what had occurred. They warned him to still keep away from Snow White as she was still unpredictable.

Nights were torturous for both Emma and Regina, as much as the passion grew in their kisses and the attraction flew between them, they couldn't quite take the next step. Each night they slept in each other's arms with Regina's head snuggled into Emma's shoulder. Each morning they woke to one kissing the other. However, the moment their passion crossed the line to heated passion, Emma would stop. Unfortunately, Regina was becoming frustrated and Emma, angry, which led to a lot of tension between each other during the day.

It was the morning of Emma's first week anniversary in Storybrooke that Regina woke early, dressed and left the mansion without waking Emma or Henry. She needed to talk to someone. Making her way into the diner she was surprised to see there was already a customer at the counter drinking a coffee. She made her way to the corner of the counter, away from her fellow diner and waited for Granny to come out.

"Well, aren't you a beautiful sight for this early in the morning." The stranger greeted Regina.

"Thank you," Regina replied nonchalantly without looking up to acknowledge the female.

"What are you doing here so early? Shouldn't you be at home with your husband or something?" The woman asked.

With a tad of annoyance, Regina glanced towards the stranger about to dismiss her when she realized that she had never seen this person before. "I don't believe I know you or caught your name," Regina replied, her eyes gazing down the length of the stranger's body.

"That's because I never told you my name, and I just arrived in town." Regina heard the brunette stranger reply with a hint of humor. Returning her gaze towards the stranger's brown globes, Regina blushed knowing she had been caught staring. There was something familiar about this person.

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