Chapter Fourteen

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Rumpel left the women enraged. How dare that blonde imbecile threaten him, the Dark One. She will be served her penance, that he guarantees for her and that pathetic version of an Evil Queen. The old man sits at the back of his store designing his plan of revenge, he didn't believe a word the Savior had told him, she was new to magic, there was absolutely no way that she could know more than he did about magic in little over a week, he's been the Dark One for over 200 years. Cackling to himself, he knew he was going to enjoy watching Regina squirm when his plan starts to formulate. He will soon see his Belle.

Meanwhile, back in the cabin, our lady loves were basking in the joys of Lily's arrival, all that was missing was Henry, who was at school. Relaxing in the lounge room, the daughters sat side by side on the couch reminiscing about their short time together growing up before Lily relayed the events of her life prior to meeting Cheryl. She conveyed why she gave up her life as Lily to start anew as Starla.

Maleficent's breath hitched upon hearing Lily's name for herself. "Why the name Starla?" She asked her daughter.

"Ah... I'm not really sure, I've liked that name since I was a child. I had always wished that was my name." The young woman replied.

"Hmmm... then you would be surprised to know that I would have named you Starla, after my grandmother." The Queen of Darkness kindly informed her daughter.

"Seriously? That's... that's crazily weird." Lily answered.

"So, do you want us to call you Lily or Starla?" Her blonde sister asked.

"Starla, that was always supposed to be my name," Starla replied without any hesitance.

"Then Starla you shall be," Maleficent stated before walking over to her daughters and hugging them both.

Minutes passed before Emma pulled away from the hug and reached down to pull Regina to her feet from the couch.

"We're going to get Henry from school then head home for a bit. We'll meet at the Diner in a couple of hours to have dinner with Granny, is that okay?" Emma suggested to her family before she and Regina departed.

Later that night after returning home from dinner, Henry retreated to his bedroom and left his parents in his mother's study. Emma noted Regina had been quiet most of the night and worried that something was wrong. Handing Regina a glass of cider, Emma stood back placing her hands in the back pockets of her jeans and gently rocked back & forth contemplating how to raise the subject.

"Emma, what are you doing, are you okay, dear?" Regina asked.

"I'm good, Regina, but are you okay? You've been quiet most of the night."

"Oh... I have something on my mind. But I'm fine, my love."

"Why not share the load, it may help," Emma suggested.

"Okay... well, I was thinking of Rumpel. He's planning something, Emma. I can feel it. He will do anything to get Belle back."

"Who is this Belle?" Emma asked.

"Hmm... long story short, she was his maid who he fell in love with but it was unrequited,"

"So, why does he want her back?"

"Because what he wants, he ensures he will get it and does not care how." Regina worried.

"Where is Belle?"

"Before I cast the curse, I actually spoke with her and asked if she wanted to remain with Rumpel, of course, she did not. She asked me to keep her secluded, away from everyone and I did."

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