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The coconut stands inside the compound- but leans to look

In the canal- I measure her shadow- trunk increases from

Forty fives- neck thin more like tobacco- shadow of the leaves

Half as strong- for diffraction through the pinnation- the wind

Jerks the branch sideways- the kingfisher on it nods perpendicularly

To set its world right- the man has veins everywhere- arms- legs-

Probably under the lungi too- rag bound on the balding head-

Rope keeping his legs together as he climbs- up her gradually

Thinning rings- exactly like Frogger crossing the road- he looks down

When he is up- and tosses the coconuts in ascending size- me and

My sister- with a jute blanket- make them fall softer than sunlight-

The young ones we behead with green ponytails- drink its water-

Eat the kernel with shaved jaggery- the others are pried open

On the hand pump-like machine- with a tchuk kish schwae-

I cannot write sounds- tchuk keesh chwae- at all-

I swallow something like a dream- which gets stuck near the

Floating ribs- time will have to slow inside me- for the viscouser ether

Of my windpipe- the storm of the eye makes her fall into her mirror-

And just about when time reaches the guts- pancreatic enzymes-

Alkalizing bile- villi breaking it down for energy- a black something

Like a shadow of the man- the shadow of a man- is flung off her-

And falls into the half-empty canal with a splash- perhaps not

A splash- with a chapp- bluhish- bhupp- pishhh...


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