Wake-Up Call (Rami)

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I wake up, but yet my eyes are still shut. I can't stop thinking about my failed monologue and how I'll probably get kicked out because I failed 'study of play' class.

I wake up and stare at the ceiling fan like I do every morning. Although, when I look outside, I see it is still night time. I figure it's just early morning and the sun hasn't come up yet, so I go back to sleep.

I trie to roll over and sleep on my side, but, I can't. That's weird.

I try again. I still can't!

I look down to reveal a ginormous rope wrapped around my arms and legs. What?! This has got to be some type of nightmare.

The light in the dorm room turns on, revealing Sebastian standing near the light switch. He strides closer and closer to me, but never seems to realize that I am tied up.

"I don't know how this happened," I laugh. "But, can you untie me, please?"

"No," he says. And that's it.

"But, why?" I ask, confused. "I can't move.."

"That's why I tied you up, silly!" He says evilly.

"You..." I stutter in shock. Sebastian? "You.. you.. did this to me?!"

"Don't get upset, Rami," he says through gritted teeth. "You brought this upon yourself."

"What? No I didn't!" I still cannot understand this. This surely is not reality.

"You went to the ice cream museum without me, fool!" He screams wildly. "So, I decided I'd ruin your monologue, make you distressed, put you to bed, tie you up, and take you hostage... as a result of your foolish, child-like behavior!"

"I'm the one who's foolish and child-like?" I scream, aggravated. "You ruined the monologue I had worked so hard on, because I didn't take you to the ice cream museum?"

"I don't know if you noticed this, but I have no friends," Sebastian wines. "It would honestly suck if you thought you had finally made a friend, but they go against your wishes, and then just end up going without you!"

"I'm sorry, is that what you want, Sebastian?!" I scream as I try to pull my arms out of the rope. It's too tight!

"Oh, Rami," Sebastian says, placing his hand on my shoulder. "It's too late now!"

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