Sports Workout

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Cheerleader Workout
- 20 push-ups
- 30 crunches
- 10 toe touch jumps
- 10 pike jumps
- 10 hurdler jumps
- 1 minute walk
- 10 minute run

Volleyball 🏐 Workout
- 10 burpees
- :30 side plank (each side)
- 15 side lunges (each side)
- 30 hip bridges
- 15 L crunches
- 15 split lunges
- 1:00 plank
- :30 squat hold
- 30 squats
- 10 push-ups

Soccer ⚽️ Workout
- soccer field suicide
- walk 1/2 perimeter of field
- soccer field suicide
- walk 1/2 perimeter of field
- lunges down field
- run backwards back
- grapevine down and back
- high knees down field
- side shuffles back
- soccer field suicide
- walk 1/2 perimeter of field
- soccer field suicide
- walk 1/2 perimeter of field

Softball 🥎 Workout
- :30 push-ups
- :30 overhead press (no weights needed)
- :30 overhead arm clap
- :30 diamond push-ups
- :30 wide arm push-ups
- :30 alternating push up position to plank position
- :30 jumping jacks
- 20 squats
- :30 plank

Track Workout (distance)
- jog 2 laps around track
- stretch
- :30 plank
- :30 flutter kicks
- :30 crunches
- :30 bicycle crunches
- :30 side crunches (each side)
- mike run
- 400m around track
- 500m around track
- 600m around track
- 500m around track
- 400m around track
- walk one lap
- stretch

Track Workout (sprinting)
- 800m warm up
repeat 2 times:
- 50m sprint with 50m walk afterwards
- 100m sprint with 100m walk afterwards
- 200m sprint with 200m walk afterwards
- 100m sprint with 100m walk afterwards
- 50m sprint with 50m walk afterwards
- 800m jog cool down

Q - Do you play any sports?

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