10 Little Ways to be Healthier

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1. Eat fruits and veggies with every meal you eat, no exceptions.

2. Drink water!

3. Do little workouts like jumping jacks or squats during commercials every time you watch tv or whenever you're bored.

4. Sleep is so important! Depending on your age, get at least 7-9 hours every night.

5. Try to eat less meat, even if you're not interested in vegetarianism or veganism, cutting down on animal products can do only good things for your health.

6. Surround yourself with people who make you feel happy and loved.

7. Wash your face every night before you go to sleep.

8. Try to get some exercise every day, even if it's as simple as taking a long walk outside.

9. Weight training or exercises with body weight are important to tone specific areas of your body, and the more muscle mass you have, which increases your resting metabolism, meaning you burn more calories just sleeping or sitting down.

10. Take time to breathe and reflect on what you want to do and who you want to be. Mental health is just as important as physical health. Take care of yourself.

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A/N: I have just a few more days of exams left and I'm so excited for summer break to start.

Q: Where will you be going this summer break?

A: Maybe to Istanbul and to Spain.

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