Chapter 5 : The News

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Your P.O.V

Me and JungKook were sat on the bed ,eating the candies we got yesterday from the fan sign, thankfully it was a break day for us to relax. I was scrolling through the TV, when I saw a familiar face on TV which belonged to Cassy, she was being interviewed, I changed no further and watched the interview ,I felt like something was gonna happen. Something good.

"So Cassy you met the new addition to BTS few days ago, can you like describe her to us in your own words? " The interviewer asked, Cassy nodded.

" Oh my gosh, she is the definition of Angel, she is so nice and from the looks of it, she loves kids. She is so beautiful and talented, she inspires my daughters allot, they are in love with that beautiful woman. She honestly is gonna be one of the best K-pop artists out there. " Cass said smiling to the camera, I blushed and JungKook shoved me playfully.

" See, I told you baby, their gonna love you. " He smiled grabbing me into his arms. I leaned into him and smiled.

" We got a review from one of the fans that went to the fan sign yesterday she said this is apparently what happened with her and the star, apparently the fan had said ' You don't belong here and I hate you. ' ,the K-pop star had then responded by giving her a finger heart and a smile saying 'I know you hate me and all but I'm gonna love you, cause your an army and I'll love you till the day, I die, so if you don't like me so be it.' ,isn't that sweet, the fan had then asked for forgiveness the fan was expecting rejection but got nothing but love. I myself from this story and from your words to describe her I think she's an incredible woman who's gonna do amazing things and honestly she is an amazing person from what hear, I would definitely love to meet, I myself have confirmed myself as a new army fan for Yn. " The interviewer smiled holding a finger heart to the camera. The interview went on for a bit and I couldn't believe my ears people actually loved me and damn well  I love them back. Jungkook hugged me shaking me sort of. He kissed the crown of my head and my forehead.

" Baby, I'm so proud of you. " He said into my hair, I could do nothing but smile and think what an amazing journey, I'm gonna have. I went to the next channel and there my name was being mentioned again.

"Guys, you have probably heard about the new K-pop artist and new band member to BTS, Yn , if you have not then your living under a rock ." The Host joked, the audience laughed.
" I myself have not met her yet but from the fans and Cassy, MiMi , LiLi UnderBridge and the staff of Talk It All News have said she's amazing and much more. The fans say they can't wait to meet her and get know her. They are so excited to go through this journey with her. The K-pop  stars now have upgraded from around (this is a guess)99 million fans to 129 million in 3 days isn't that unbelievable, its amazing, I wish the best for the artist and hope she has good journey, stay tuned. " After that it went to a commercial, I turned to the next channel, and the next all of which my name was being mentioned. It was so exciting and joyful, I couldn't help but shed some tears. I changed to another channel where I saw Ellen.

" So guys there's a new K-pop artist, Jeon Yn, I mean as far we know it's just Yn but like she said, JK is her hubby, so let's make that a thing shall we Jeon Yn. I like the sound of it. " Ellen said playfully, my phone was ringing with notifications, I checked it and I saw a whole hashtag of Jeon Yn.  I blushed and JungKook kissed my temple.

" I like the sound of that too. "He muttered into my neck. I blushed even more.

"I myself have met BTS but I want to meet the new addition, tag this as Ellen wants to meet Yn and share it to all your people. "Ellen said standing up and shouting , the audience immediately reacted by bringing out their phones again making the tag and sharing it. My phone rang, rang filling up with notifications.

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