Chapter 18 : MV

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Your P.O.V

I woke up at 08:00 ,I packed my stuff then Yeotan's. I showered then changed into my clothes which was white shorts and Jimin's blue sweater with some white converse. This is normal, I always steal the boys clothes weather it be a hoodie or shirt or something, their clothes are always on target for me. I love  stealing their clothes their big and oversized. But theses short were becoming a bit small because of the workouts me and JungKook do which is quite annoying because almost all my jeans and shorts are becoming small. I need to tell Jungkook we need to go shopping. I grabbed a granola bar and treats for Tan. Because the little angel was still sleeping, he'll be very hungry when he wakes. I picked Tannie up careful not to wake him up and put him in his carrier. I put my bag strap over my shoulders and Tannie's going out bag on my shoulders ,grabbing his carrier careful not to wake him up. I saw all the boys in the living room either sleeping on the floor or on a couch, they are all gonna have neck problems when they wake up and they will all probably need neck massages when I get home ,I'll be forced again, they don't pay me enough for this job..... Just kidding!
I went to the lobby rushing outside to the car almost getting mobbed, I put the bags at the back and Tannie on the seat next to me. I lied back closing my eyes. Instead of my Samchon I saw NormaJean and Teri. I looked at them confused.

"Morning Unnies "I said confused. They both looked back quickly smiling.

"Morning dear ."They both said at the same time giggling.

"Where's my Samchon? "I asked confused, the two gave me a wide smile through the rearview mirror.

"We're gonna produce and direct your MV, we need a woman's touch in this, your Samchon said yes to it and It's gonna be just how we discussed it. "Teri explained. I smiled widely . I love my Samchon and all but I need a girly touch in this rather.

"I'm so excited. But do you guys know how to direct and stuff? "I asked confused but excitement was dripping in my voice.

"Yes dear, we both went to the same school. When we were younger, we were sent to a beauty school, then when we were elder we went to a film and production college, don't worry sweetie all is in control. "NormaJean Unnie smiled at me through the mirror. I nodded and heard a small bark meaning Tannie  was awake. I opened his carrier and he popped out. I picked him up and snuggled into him, he licked my lips, I kissed his nose and he licked my lips. I snuggled him tighter. I took out his treats and fed him some of course training him a bit too. The drive to the set took about an hour considering we had too stop for snacks. Yeontan had his little potty in his carrier so we were lucky, we just have to clean it out though. We got to the set and allot of girls were lined up wearing pink and silver outfits of all kinds, I came out of the car and they all screamed.

"Hi girls, it's so nice to meet you and I hope we are gonna have so much fun. "I smiled earning even more screams from them.

Skip Some Scenes Made•

We had now produced the trailer so far and right now, it's 17:00 at the moment and I'm so tired. I've been having so much fun with the girls, they now are very big fans of me and I'm very thankful for that and that they controlled themselves when they met me or tried to at least. I'm guessing the boys have probably only woken up now or were awake before and slept again. Yeontan was sleeping right now and I didn't let any one of the girls touch him because I didn't want to get in trouble with Tae and his my baby anyways. We have so far basically made the trailer and are about to post it now.......Posted......

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