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Seokjin ~

"Namjoon!," I called out into the living room, "I'm going out to get myself more clothes!"

"Alright!" He yelled back from the kitchen, I think, whatever room he was in.

With that 'okay', I walked out and closed the door behind me. I took a deep breath and smiled. It was nice to breathe clean air. It's been a while since I was homeless, but I dont think I could ever forget the smell of rotting trash in the alley I squat in out of my nostrils. Ew.

I walked with a steady pace, sometimes even keeping step with the beat of whatever song I was listening to. Swaying back and forth, jesus, I was having a great day so far. It was two pm and nothing had dampened my mood all morning.

Once I'd made it to the mall, I walked into the first store on my right. Some random retail store, JC Penny maybe, I don't remember and it doesn't really matter. The only thing that really matters is the amount of cute pants I'd gotten for under two hundred dollars. The answer is seven. My butt looks great in them and I can match them with anything in my closet. I saw no downside in shopping by myself even though I have no self-control. Besides, if anything, it's Namjoon's problem if he goes bankrupt for trusting me with one of his credit cards.

I wandered from store to store, buying whatever I wanted and even things I didn't want. I think the homeless me is reappearing in spirit to tell me to buy as much as I can while I can.

It made me start to think to myself. Would Namjoon ever kick me out? He did say that as long as I worked for him, I'd live with him, too. He also mentioned that even if he and I were upset with each other, I'd still live with him. But I can't help but feel paranoid that I'll screw something up and end up back on the streets. I guess if anything, past homeless spirit me is just looking out for present and future me. How sweet of him to cause me to panic over a possibility.

On that panic-y note, Namjoon's sister starts moving in with us in three weeks. I never even bothered to ask what her name was. I'd have to ask him about her later. I really wonder if she'll change the dynamic around here. Will we just have to stop having sex? Will he just gag me so I don't scream? What if she walks in on us and I end up getting kicked out because he decides it's not a good environment again? Jesus, I need to stop overthinking right now, and I know just how to get myself to stop.

I walked into the sex shop they had in the mall. I'm not sure why they'd have this in a mall, but I'm glad they do. I flashed the man at the entrance my I.D., he nodded and let me pass. I threw my shopping bags onto the cart they had at the front for people to leave stuff on so they couldn't steal anything. Although, for someone to even consider stealing a vibrator or something would be pretty sad.

I wandered around for a while, just scanning before I decided on what I'd look for. I'd be lying if I said this wasn't just for me. I liked that Namjoon said I made him feel less lonely, and that he liked my company. I wanted to give him a present in a way, which would just be me moaning underneath him. But I wanted something that would really impress him. Of course, I'd still buy things for myself. I'm a horny and kinky bitch, I know that. Nothing wrong with treating myself with Namjoon's credit card.

I looked around and saw a pink dildo. Pink is my favorite color, so if this doesn't become my favorite dildo, not that I had others at home anyways, then I'd be disappointed. It was girthy and long, I knew I'd get filled up nicely with this, and I needed to calm myself down so I could use it at home and not make everyone in this store uncomfortable.

Now that I had something for myself, I decided I'd go hunt for something to please Namjoon. I turned to my right and found a wall of something that would probably work.

A wall of butt plugs taunted me, as there were too many to choose from. But I think one was just better than the rest, and caught my eye. It was a metal plug with a white tail attached. It was beautiful, if I didn't know any better, I'd think it was a cat that just got it's tail stuck in a wall. I knew that was what I'd take home with me. Underneath it was a set of cat ears of a matching white, I assume it was a set. That, or someone was too lazy to put it back where it was supposed to be. Either way, score. I already had lingerie to wear this with, if Namjoon didn't let drool slip from his puffy lips just from seeing me, than I'd have to stop liking him. I know I'd look hot, and if he didn't see it the same then there was absolutely no compatibility.

I bought it and proceeded to throw the bag into another bag just incase anyone at the mall was people watching and managed to see a buttplug through my bag.

Like that, I was on my way, strolling back home. I still felt good, it was just a really great day.

Until it wasn't anymore.

I got to the front door, and heard some strange sounds. So I poked my head around and looked throught the window, only to see some ginger on his knees. I wanted to rage on him.

I fumbled my keys until I finally got the door open, and slammed it against the doorway.

"You slammed that door like you pay the bills around here-ah fuck," Namjoon grumbled.

I dropped my bags on the ground and stomped over to him-them, I should say, even though I'd rather fucking not.

Update number two

Yo i heard twice comes back this month fuck it up nayeon and jihyo break my knee caps please


K Thanks

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