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Namjoon ~

Gahyeon walked into my room, "I have an idea!" She sang.

I tapped my fingers together, I looked like Mr.Burns, "Go on."

She gave a running start and jumped onto my bed, "Listen up, you tortellini toad, and when I say listen I mean fucking listen."

I sat up a little on the bean bag chair I was in, "I'm all ears."

"Here's the plan," she whipped out a note pad from behind her and opened it to reveal a terrible stick figure drawing that somehow was supposed to get her point across. "You agree to get Seokjin to go on a walk and talk. You won't talk about the actual things that happened in the last couple days, just a nice ice breaking thing." She pointed to the drawing, which had two stick figures holding hands with a speech bubble thay read, 'Lets go for a walk'. It was awful, but amusing, so I chuckled, but of course she didn't appreciate that. "This is serious business, what the fuck is so funny?"

I cleared my throat, "Nothing," was I a little scared of her? Yes. But you'd be scared, too, if your sibling used to try to cut your hair in your sleep.

"That's what I thought, butt wipe." She snarked. Yeesh. "Anyway," she flipped the note pad, "Step two, you come back home and see what I've prepared ; a picnic for the both of you." The note pad had a drawing of two stick figures eating apples. "But before you sit down, you hand him a bouquet of flowers, which yours truly will deliver to you, and apologize. Then you confess that you like him and he's like wow cute."

She flipped the note pad, "Shit," she muttered.


"I forgot to make the last drawing." She shrugged, "Whatever, the last step is for you two to have the picnic I'd made and then you date then get married and I am the best person yada yada. Since I don't have a drawing," she scrolled through her phone and then moved it up to my face, "Just imagine this." It was a picture of Fiona and Shrek's wedding.


"What do you mean 'okay'?" Gahyeon scoffed, "That should be everyone's dream wedding."

"I'm gonna try to break some ice right now with him."

"Good luck," she responded as she got off my bed and into my room, "And by the way, this is happening tomorrow so make sure you thoroughly wash your dick in the shower."

"Ew!" I cringed at her, "Shut up!"

"Don't say I didn't warn you."

I walked out of the room and downstairs, only to find that Jin wasn't anywhere to be found. I gave up almost immediately, I really needed to try a little harder if I wanted this to work.

The next morning, I got took a shower and got dressed, hoping this would all go well. I jogged downstairs around noon, he was in the kitchen. "Hey," he jumped, a little startled by my voice.

Jin cleared his throat, "Hey."

"Can we talk?"

He scoffed, "You talk a little too much, don't you think?"


Jin huffed, "Fine, but only a little."

"Let's go for a walk."

"Why not in here?"

"Because I don't want to."

"Why does everything always have to be about you?"


He huffed again, "Fine." I opened the front door for him, "Thanks," he muttered. He was really mad at me, but it could be worse, I guess. "Where are we going?"

"I told you," I answered, "On a walk?"

"Duh, to where?"

"Wherever my feet take us."

"You're dumb."

"Jokes on you," I retorted, "I've always been dumb!"

He laughed quietly, but then realized he was laughing and then covered it up with a cough.

"So what's been up in your life lately?" I asked.

Huge mistake.

"Well," he began, "A guy I'm supposed to be over but I'm not drove away my boyfriend and sprayed me with fire extinguishing foam."

I was trying to break the ice and this just froze the imaginary lake a little more.

"That guy sounds like a douche," I answered.

He stopped walking, making me stop, too. "He is." Jin said, and then continued to walk. "What about you?" He asked me, which I did not expect. "What's new in your life?"

"Uhm, let's see." I pretended to think before answering his question quickly. "I'm a huge disappointment to my entire family including Gahyeon, I'm extremely lonely, and I keep making bad decisions."

"Whew," Jin whistled, "That sounds bad."

"Eh, just another Tuesday."

I looked at my phone, only to see a text from my sister. 'I ran out to get some flowers and just came back. Give me ten mins and y'all can head back.'

Jin tried to look over my shoulder, but I pulled away and shoved my phone back into my pocket. "What?" He questioned, "Another fuck buddy I'm not supposed to know about?"

"No," I answered quickly and defensively, "Just Gahyeon."

"When does she start school?"

"Next week."

Jin nodded, "She's cool."

"I know."

"She really looks up to you."

"I know." I sighed, "That's why I'm gonna clean up my act, for her."

Ji laughed, "Good luck!" When he saw the raised eyebrow I gave him, he stopped laughing. "Oh," he cleared his throat, "You're serious?" I nodded, "That's, uh, that's good. Be a, a role model for her and all."

I felt my phone buzz, it was her. 'Everything is set. Get your flat butts over here ASAP before the bees get here.'

I quickly shot her back a text, 'We'll be there.' I put my phone back into my pocket, but pulled it out again. 'BTW, I'm thicc and you know it.'

'Just get over here dumbass.'

Here's the second to last chapter

Day6 comes back on monday aaahhh

Also if you havent checked out my other books go give them some love please :)

I love seventeen so much agh


K Thanks

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