1.) Starting the Hunt

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Kallista's P.O.V

We took off in couples. Ashton and Ember went left, Cal and Anna went right, and Michael and I went straight up the mountain.

Michael and I are going to where I found the blood trail and we're gonna follow it and see where it goes.

The others are looking for any more clues that could tell us what happened. Other vampires in the area, hunters, werewolves, anything or anyone that would wanna hurt Luke.

I cant even imagine anyone who would wanna hurt Luke. If someone hurt him, its gonna be someone who isn't from around here. Everyone here lives Luke.

Well, all the immortals around here anyway.

"Here Michael. This is the start of the trail. This is where Luke got hurt. Look for clues." I said.

We both started digging around in the leaves, and looking for any signs of struggle.

"Kal, come here babe. I think I found something." I heard Michael shout from about thirty meters away.

I ran over to him and saw that the blood trail splits off into five different directions.

"How the hell?" I asked out loud, to no one in particular.

I just stared.

I couldn't make sense of it.

"How did he go so many different directions at once?" I asked looking at Mike, hoping he had an answer for me.

"Well, two options. Option one, he was cut up into pieces and five different people ran off with pieces of him." Michael said, voice shaking. at the thought.

"Option 2?" I asked, not wanting to think about it.

"He ran off and came back to the spot multiple times so that we cant track him. Maybe he doesnt wanna be found." Michael said, and he sounded terrified by the thought.

"But everything was going back to normal. He's the only one who didn't come around after Nate died. Does it have to do with his fight with Calum?" I asked.

"No that cant be it, because that would leave only Calum ad the one who hurt him. And I know that's not the case. Cal's been with us the whole time." Michael said.

"Then who would wanna hurt Luke?"

"I wish I knew babe. I'm just as lost as you are. But what I do know is, that we need to figure this out. And we need to figure it out now. Thats a lot of blood. And if he didnt stop the bleeding, hes going to get weak and he'll be easy prey. Hes going to get him self killed out there alone." Michael said.

We looked around a little more before I felt as Michael grab me and pull up into the tree tops and hold a hand over my mouth.

"Shhh. He'll see us." Michael said in his thoughts.

I looked down and saw a young man dressed in all black looking down at the blood trail, where we had just been standing.

And the longer I stared, the more then man started to look like...

"Nate?" Michael whispered to himself, but I heard him.

"Nate's dead." I said back.

"Or so we thought."

Finding Luke~5SOS Story [vampire au]~Love Bites Sequel Where stories live. Discover now