3.) Black Magic

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Kallista's P.O.V

We agreed that none of us should go alone, so we chose three trails to follow at a time. When one of us comes to a dead end we go back to the starting point and follow the next trail.

We decided on leaving a piece of clothing or something and a sign that someone switched paths so that the next group to come back knows what path to follow next.

We all also agreed that if we find Luke we wont just go running in after him. We'll wait until we can all go together.

We figure we have strength in numbers, rather then alone.

"Good luck guys." Em said

"Same to you." Ana said.

"Let's bring Luke back home." I said and they all nodded.

We all took off down our designated paths.

Following the blood splattered on the ground, and trying to pick up a fresh scent in Luke.

We made it to the end of our trail and hadn't found any signs of Luke, or Nate. No sign of a struggle either.

We turned around and went back to the start, leaving Michaels flannel pointing the sleeve down the path we took so the others would know.

We had made it about five hundred feet when something g started to feel a little off about where we are.

All of a sudden it was like I hit a wall, I couldn't move.

"Michael!" I shouted, causing him to stop and turn around.

He looked at me and he could tell I was scared.

"I can't move. Why can't I move?" I panicked and Michael ran over to me.

He tried to pick me up and carry me, but my feet would not leave this spot on the ground.

"Babe, did you eat? Is it the tainted blood again?" He asked me, starting to panicked too.

"No, I haven't eaten anything since the last time you and I went out hunting. When we went with Liz. Thats the last time I had anything." I explained.

"Ashton! Calum!" Michael screamed at the top of his lungs.

I know the others heard him, and they know we're in trouble.

They know we wouldn't tell and risk getting caught unless it was absolutely necessary.

"Andrew!" He added to the list of names.

All we could do is wait for someone to show up, and hope that they know what's happening here.

"Mike!" I heard Andrew from behind me, hes approaching, and fast. I han here the leaves crumbling under his feet.

"Mike what's wrong?" Andrew asked as he appeared in front of me.

"Michael we heard you yelling? Are you guys okay? Did you find him?" Ashton appeared with Em right by his side.

"No but I think we're on the right path." I whispered causing them all to look at me.

I watched as Calum and Ana approached us as well.

"What makes you day that? Did you fi d more clues that could lead us to where he is?" Calum asked.

"I think so." I said, panic still evident in ny voice.

"What's wrong Kalli?" Ashton asked.

"I-I can't move." I stuttered out.

"Tainted blood?" Andrew asked.

"No she hasn't had any blood since we went out hunting with Liz three nights ago." Michael explained.

"Can you carry her?" Calum asked.

"I tried. Watch." Michael said before demonstrating that he cant get my feet to move.

"She's literally stuck. And we have no idea why." Michael explained and I could see the panicked looks of my friends setting in.

Excpet Andrew.

"I'm going to get your mother. And much as shes not going to want to, we need her magic to set you free." Andrew explained.

"What? Why? What's going on?" I asked frantically.

"Someone put a spell on you. And only someone with witches blood can take it off."

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