8.) Waiting Game

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Kallista's P.O.V

It's been nearly five whole hours, and the decision was made.

She decided to remain human when Nate wakes up.

She said she'd never be able to live running from him forever.

Having to move every five to ten years would be to hard on him as he got older.

"You're doing the right thing, love. You know that right?" Luke's dad said as he stepped into the room we're all waiting in.

Nate's lifeless body laying on the bed. Michael, Luke, Luna, and I waiting with Nate and Desiree, the girl he turned.

"So how does this all work again?" Des asked us.

"Well, what's gonna happen after Nate wakes up, is you'll probably pass out, only for a minute or two. When you wake up, Luke and I will compel you and Nate to forget you were ever vampires. We'll allow you to remember us if you'd like, but the second you reveal our secret you're dead." Michael explained to her once again.

"How does compulsion work exactly?" She asked.

"I never got to use it on anyone." She added.

"Its basically like wiping your mind of any memories. You wont have any recollection of what's happened to you over these last few weeks. The last thing you'll remember is coming here to visit Nate and his friends." I explained.

"Can you make me forget hating you? Cause now that I really know what's going on, I understand why you reacted that way. I dont wanna hate you Kalli." Desiree said, and Michael nodded.

"We can fix that too." Michael said and she nodded.

I shifted my eyes over to Nate as I saw him start to move a little bit.

His eyes opened and he searched the room. His eyes finally landed on mine, and just at that moment Des fell to the floor.

"Desiree!" Nate exclaimed.

"Shes fine. She being cured just like you." Luke explained.

"Why did you cure me? And why her?" He asked.

We explained to him everything that happened since he was changed, and how mum made this anti-venom type deal that cured him and anyone he's ever turned.

"She's the only one right?" I asked and he nodded.

"I never bit anyone else. Blood bags and animals only. I swear!" Nate said.

"Does she know what's happening to her?" Nate asked.

"Yes. She made the decision to turn back with you, because she did have the option of Luke biting her keep her as one of us." Michael explained.

Michael then explained that we were going to compel them to forget about their vampire days, and then we could all live life like this never happened.

Des started to come to, and Luke lifted her into the bed with Nate and laid her head in his lap.

As soon as she woke up she sat up and stared into Luke's face.

Not even a second went by before Luke started to compel her.

"You're going to forget all about being a vampire. You wont remember Nate being a vampire. You wont remember being bit, or cured. You came here to visit Nate and his friends. That's all you remember." Luke said, her eyes never breaking contact with his.

"That's all I remember." She repeated.

Nate looked towards Michael, and just as he was about to compel him Nate looked at me.

"I want Kalli to do it." He said.

"Very well." Michael said, and I nodded.

"You wont remember dad breaking in to the house and turning you and mum. You wont remember me killing you. You wont remember anything about being a vampire. Nothing at all. You came here to visit me. That's all you remember." I said.

"That's all I remember." Nate said, he shook his head and looked at me.

As much as this kills me, it's better this way.

It would've been nice to have my brother with me forever.

But some things just aren't meant to be.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2019 ⏰

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Finding Luke~5SOS Story [vampire au]~Love Bites Sequel Where stories live. Discover now