5.) I Believe in You

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Kallista's P.O.V

We carefully, and stealthily approached the house that we believe Luke is hiding in, when a familiar scent fills my nose.

"Nates here." I whispered, only loud enough for Michael and Ashton to hear me.

They both nodded and stopped in their tracks, waving for the others to get closer.

"What is it?" Ana asked and Ashton frowned.

"Nate is in there. We need a plan. We cant just go in there guns blazing. Any ideas?" Michael asked.

"I think my mothers plan was the best." I said quietly.

"And her plan was?" Ashton asked.

"Go in and get Luke, no matter the cost. She told me to kill Nate again if I have to." I said and Ashton frowned at me.

"Well I think we should try and get them both home. We can fix Nate. I have faith that we can fix Nate. He just needs a little more help than we did. It's a hard life to adjust to if you're not born into it. We cant just give up on him." Ashton explained.

"I actually agree Kalli. I think they can save Luke while you and I talk to your brother. They'll all be within yelling distance at all times. They can be there in a second if things go south." Michael explained.

So I guess that's the plan. They go in and look for Luke, while Michael and I go look for my brother alone.

It's probably for the best that we do that.

Keep Nate and Luke separated as much as we can until Luke can heal himself up.

"Okay. Well I think I smell Nate at the west side of the building, I cant tell where Luke is. You should split up and cover the grounds as quickly as you can. Check everywhere." I said and I gave them all a small, and unconvincing smile.

"You can do this Ashton. I believe in you." I said as I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"We all do. And he believes in you too. He made you the Beta for a reason Ashton." Calum said giving him a pat on the back.

"I'll get a quick look around the property and see if I can see anything before we all go in. I'll be right back." Calum said before shrinking down into a raven.

He took off into the sky to get a birds eye view and lead us in the right direction.

"Kal, do you really believe in me? Cause the closer we get, I get more and more terrified that I'm gonna let you all down. I'm gonna let him down. I can't-" Ashton started rambling, his moth moving a thousand words a minute it seemed.

"Ashton. Listen to me. You are a great Beta. You are one of the strongest people I know. Okay? You can do this. And even if things dont go as planned, we're all in this together. You dont take all the blame." I explained. Michael watching very intently along with Ember and Ana.

"But I was the one who burned his body. I should've made sure that-" Ashton started.

"And you wouldn't have even had to do that if I hadn't killed him in the first place Ashton. You are not to blame for any of this. I am. It's all me. My brother, that I killed. Not you. Me." I explained just as I saw Calum flying over head.

He landed and shifted back.

"Nate is standing outside to the west of the building. Luke is in the center of the building. He doesn't look to good. We gotta go now guys. He wont last much longer." Calum said.

"We got this Ashton. You got this." I said giving him a reassuring hug.

"Michael and Kalli, go straight to Nate. Don't let him out of your sight."

Finding Luke~5SOS Story [vampire au]~Love Bites Sequel Where stories live. Discover now