7.) Side Effects

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Kallista's P.O.V

I hugged Luke and hard as I could.

"I'm so glad you're okay! I was terrified! When we found your blood I thought you were a goner! I-" I started rambling with my face in his shoulder.

"Kalli. Kalli, listen to me. Calm down love, I'm okay. I'm alive. I made the decision to bring him back. Anything that happened was my own fault." Luke explained to me.

"We gotta get you home to Luna. Shes a wreck!" I shouted as I pulled away from him.

"Let's grab Nate and let's get out of here. Luna is probably dying to see you." Michael said.

He flung Nate's limp body over his shoulder and took off towards town.

The others followed after him about three seconds later.

"But what about me? Now that Nate's human-" The girl spoke up for the first time since Luke shocked that needle in Nate's throat.

"You'll go back to your normal life. You'll never me toon a word of this to anybody, or we'll have to kill you." Luke explained.

"My normal life?" She asked.

"Yes. Because we gave him the cure, Monica said anyone he changed will change back with him. Unless you dont want to. If that is the case you'll have to let me bite you." Luke explained.

"Would you? I feel so free now. I dont wanna go back to the way things were." She said.

"You do realize you'll never be able to go home? You'll never be able to stay in one place forever. People will start noticing if you dont age after you've stayed one place for a while. Its constant running. Hunters, and humans, and all the issues that come with it, it takes a toll on you. Especially if you're a vampire and your soulmate is human." I explained to her.

"I understand. It'll be a struggle. I can learn to handle it. I'll learn to be like you guys. Hunt animals and stay as low key as possible." She said, sounding desperate.

"We didn't learn. We grew up this way. We've had this in our blood since we were born. Personally, I think you should just go back to your normal human life. Do what you wanna do, and when it's all said and done, you'll die. It's for the best." Luke explained, and I watched a rear slide down her face.

"How long do I have to think about it?" She asked us.

"About five hours. That's how long it'll take for Nate to wake up, human." Luke said.

"What happens when he wakes up?" She asked.

"It'll be to late. You'll have no choice but being human. My venom would have to be in your system already when he wakes up." Luke said.

"Let me see him?"

"Of course. Let's go."

Finding Luke~5SOS Story [vampire au]~Love Bites Sequel Where stories live. Discover now