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Chapter 16.

The tapping sound of Angel heels, get louder as she walks towards Star with a question look on her face. Star signal her to keep quiet because she want her to see what her 'so call fiancé' is up to with the b!tch she calls her best friend.

"What are you--

"Ah! f**k I'm going to cum!" Cannon groaned giving Angel a shock of her life.

Her eyes immediately looks in the room and see why Star is there. She wants to cry, scream and kill them both but Star pulls her away before they notice.

"I'm so sorry Angel" Star said once they turn the corner down the hallway.

"I can't believe he did this to me, in my house with my best friend" she said with tears gathering in her eyes.

"He don't deserve your tears Angel,  you should embarrass him in front of all these people, let them know the dog he is" Star gruffed.

Angel nods, wiping her tears away before she and her sister return back to the party. She grabs two flute of champagne, turning them to her head one after the other. Her eyes find Cannon coming back down the stairs smiling at her. She did her best at faking a smile, while walking up to him.

"What was keeping you so long up there?" She asked.

"Some work I had to sort out" he lied.

"Oh really on our engagement party day?" She asked giving him a death glare.

"I'm sorry babe, It won't happen again" he said.

"It sure as hell won't" she grumbled pulling him up to the front.

Star sit with her friends, sipping on some champagne while eyeing Cannon deadly. She wants to go up there and broke his d!ck off but she wants everyone know the cheater he is.

"Good evening again everyone,  I just want to say something real quick" Angel announced with a small smile.

Cannon stand right next to her, giving his best smile and so did Izzy at the front smiling. Angel eyes meet  hers and all she wants is to throw the microphone at her real hard. Everyone gives their undivided attention to the couple.

"I know my dad already thank you all for coming here this evening but I also want to give my thanking and my apology as well. See today should be the starting of my new life with my soon to be husband....

At the sound of that, Cannon smile gets wider and Izzy slightly frown but quickly plays it off with a fake smile.

"And my bestfriend, Izzy right here who should really be my maid of honor.... I'm sorry Star I was mad at you for not being happy about my engagement so I decided on Izzy to be it.....

"That's cool sis... Continue!" Star semi shouted from the middle before slurping down the rest of her drink.

"But I was wrong, I should be more cautious to know that my little sister there.... She points on star.

"Was just trying to look out for me and I didn't listen to her, she told me I was making a mistake marrying this man here and she was right. Just a few minutes ago, I witness with my own two eyes this 'so called fiancé' of mine and this 'so called best friend' of mine f**king in my house...

Both Izzy and Cannon have a shock expression on there face as people start gasping and looking at them. He tried to hold on to Angel but she push him off and now the tears slowly run down her cheeks.

" You f**king asshole, you really did that to my sister" Prince said punching Cannon hard in the face.

Star wanted to do that but she is still feeling good about Prince doing it. She spot Izzy trying to leave from the embarrassment and she quickly walks into her way with Lyric and Tajae behind her.

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