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Chapters 37

The figure of the person walks towards Star in the dark, her heart is beating so hard, you could see her blouse moving. She froze where she is and her mouth wouldn't allow any words to come out yet scream.

Her eyes blinks when the light switch on and she see the person standing infront of her. Her scared expression turns into anger when she looks straight into the intruder's eyes.

"Surprise seeing me here?" He asked reaching on the shelf, taking down a bottle of her liquor.

"How did you get into my house?" She asked angrily.

He stares at her while pouring out a glass of whiskey and turn it to his head.

"I use to live here remember and I didn't return the keys" he smirked, swinging the keys infront of her.

"Get out before I call the cops!" Star warned him.

"Go on, call your boyfriend... I ain't scared" Darnell said pouring out another glass of whiskey.

"You have some nerves breaking into my house Darnell... You should know better than that" Star said reaching into her purse for her phone.

"Who are you going to call your dad, so he can get me run over by a car again?"

Star head snaps to his direction when she hear him said that.

"Oh yes babe, I know your dad hired someone to hit me that day but lucky me I'm still here" he grinned, stretching out a glass of whiskey to Star.

Star ignores him and place her purse on the kitchen island. He turns the glass to his head before sitting around the kitchen island, staring at Star lustfully.

"What do you want Darnell?" Star asked bothered.

"For you to end things with Ace" he said bluntly.

"And why the f**k will I do that?" She gruffed.

"Because you're not suppose to be f**king my friend and if you don't I'm sorry how things will end for you" he said giving her a mischievous stare.

"Are you threatening me Darnell?" Star asked walking close to him.

"No just warning you, as long as I'm alive, you and Ace will never be together" he said seriously, rising from the stool.

Star start laughing at how stupid he's being because there's no way he can stop her from being with Ace.

"You think I'm joking huh? Can't say I didn't warn you"

"Don't you have a family to go home to? Get the f**k out of my house!" Star shouted at him.

She reaches in a drawer and grab a shape knife, pointing it towards Darnell. He step towards the door watching Star attentively with the knife in her hands.

"Have a goodnight sweetheart" he mischievously grinned before letting himself out.

Star reaches to the door and quickly lock it then return to the kitchen and place the knife down.  She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and decide to change her locks first thing tomorrow.

She reaches for her phone to call Ace but get  straight voicemail which have her worried. She wants to tell him about Darnell breaking into her house, so she leave him a text before going to bed.

The sound of the doorbell cause Star to jump from her sleep. She frown at the disturbance but the jumps off the bed when she thought it might be Ace.  

She slide her feet into her purple fuzzy bed slippers then head down the stairs. As she swings the door open and ready to pull him in her arms, her face fall.

"So I'm guessing you're not happy to see your mother?" Tashina said throwing her hands on her hips.

"No, mom.... I mean yes mom,  I'm always happy to see you.... why are you here so early?"

"To see my daughter, I miss you"

Tashina makes her way inside the house and Star close the door. She know her mom isn't here because she miss her. She knows her to well and know she want to talk about the new guy in her life.

"Mom you saw me yesterday" Star said walking over to the sofa.

She drops herself in the sofa, checking her phone but still no call from Ace neither did he reply to her text. She sigh throwing her phone on the other end of the sofa and switch the T.v. on.

"So this new guy I'm hearing ab--

"Mom please not now" Star said dragging each words.

"I'm not leaving until you start talking and I get to meet this guy Star.... so we can take all day if you like" Tashina said, sitting beside Star.

"Ok fine! He's my neighbor and it hasn't been that long since we are together. His name is Ace, he's a cop and he have a daughter" Star said boringly.

All she could think about is why she haven't hear from him since last night and where is he? She fight the thinking of him being out with someone else but still her mind thinks of it.

"So you're with a guy that have his baby mama? Do you know what that relationship will be like when he have to always have her in his life?"

"Mom it's not like that. They broke up a long time ago and they only communicate because of their daughter. I can handle that ok?" Star said a lil defensive.

"That's what you think baby girl, I know relationships like this doesn't end well.... I don't want my baby girl getting hurt again"

"I won't mom... He wouldn't hurt me" she replied in a unsure voice.

"You can't swear for no man darling... I just think Jace would be best for you,  you guys co-

"Mom! Please don't bring Jace into this.... this is my life and I want to be with Ace Ok? If you, dad and Angel can't deal with it then I'm sorry but I'm not leaving him" Star said strongly.

"Ok I'm sorry.... I want to meet this guy, so bring him over for dinner tonight"

Star looks up on her mother as if she grow two heads. She didn't expect her to say that but she feel relief she understand that she can't control her life. She wonder how Ace would feel about meeting her parents after the last encountered with her dad.

She just don't understand why her dad don't like Ace and he haven't even give him a chance.

"Ok I'll let him know when he-- oh my god!" Star screamed as her eyes catches the two images on the T.v. screen.

"Star what is it? Why are you screaming like that?" He mom asked, frighten.

All Star could do is point on the T.v. screen with tears dripping from her eyes. The reporter announces that two cops got shot during a shoot out last night and in critical condition. 

Star thought her eyes were playing tricks on her until she hear the names under the photos.....

'Officer Justin Moses and Officer Ace Riley'


Thanks for reading.

I wonder what's Darnell plan to break Star and Ace up.

Until next chapter BYE


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