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Chapter 17.

Netflix becomes Star's new best friend since she broke up with Darnell six weeks ago. Whenever she's not going to the store or hanging out with her friends or family,  she'll stay home and watch korean drama on Netflix.

It's Saturday and she already took her early morning ran and did her chores, now she is in front of her seventy five inches flats screen watching 'Boys over flowers' while stuffing her face with some ruffles chips. The buzzing of her phone interrupts her moment and she quickly press it to her ears.

"Hello" she answered munching on her chips.

"Hey girls what's you guys plan for this evening?" Lyric voice asked over the phone

"Stay home and watch korean drama" Tajae replied.

"Same here" Star replied finishing the last of her chips.

"Y'all boring as hell, I am actually thinking about going to the club later and hoping you guys would be down" Lyric sigh.

"OK then what time?" Star asked.

"About seven"

"OK sounds good"

"Tajae what about you?" Star asked.

"Fine I guess I have no other choice than to tag along"

"Cool then we all will meet up outside the club at seven"

After saying their good bye, Star switch the TV off, to head to her room to pick out something fancy for later. It is still early but she likes to prepare. She stops by the kitchen first to dispose the empty  chips bag and her eyes meet Ace playing with Acacia outside.

They hardly say two words to each other since lately,  mainly because Ace was on night shift and when Star's going out he's coming in. They waved at each other but nothing more, they haven't hang out but apart of Star is missing him. Before she know it, she is out side staring at his perfect body.

"Hey you" Ace said when he sees her.

"H...hi, umhmm.. I came to say hello to Acacia" Star half lied. She wants to see her yes but she also wants to see Ace, the way his abs is printing out through his grey muscle shirt have her mentally drooling. His fresh, clean shave makes him look super handsome.... She admire his tattoo a lot and how sexy they look on him....

"So you coming or what?" Ace asked breaking her thoughts.

"Huh? Where?" She asked puzzled.

"I see your were busy checking me out, it's going to cost you next time sweetie" he smirked.

Star blushes at his nickname and how good it sounds coming from him but she quickly plays it off by rolling her eyes so he wouldn't be more cocky of himself.

"Oh please that body ain't all" she rolled her eyes.

"I bet you want to run your tongue all o....

"Ace! The baby is right here" Star scolded him.

Ace smile, winking at her but she ignores him playing with Acacia. She starts to stretch to Star and the next she notice is that she's standing in Ace yard.

"I think Acacia would like your company inside" Ace said licking his lips as his eyes roam over Star's body in the tight, short white dress.

I got to f**k her!!! He thoughts.

"Oh really, so that's how you invite girls into your house by using your daughter?" She narrowed her eyes at him.

"Not all off them just the one's that are playing hard" he smirked.

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