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Chapters 36.

Ignoring everyone's stare, Star walks over to the table and take a seat next to Tajae. Tajae gives her a sympathy look which stare return a "I'm ok" look but still angry at Angel. She know her parents isn't going to drop this topic and worst Jace is here and she didn't know about that.

"Welcome Jace,  come take a seat and let's hear Star story about her new boyfriend" Angel spoke again, batting her lashes while staring at Star.

"What's wrong with you Angel?" Star snapped at her.

"Oh I'm totally fine, are you?" She asked resting her chin on her hands, staring at Star.

Star didn't know why Angel is being like that to her. Last time she check she didn't do anything wrong to her so why being this disgusting now. 

"So Star how long have you and this guy being together?" Her mom asked.

"I thought he was just a friend" Lucious said right after his wife.

"I really don't want to talk about this right now. We are here for Tajae and Prince not to talk about my life.... Sorry if I'm being disrespectful but if this dinner is about me then I'll take my leave now" Star said strongly,  rising from the table.

"Star is right, I asked us here to talk about Tajae and I and to have a wonderful family dinner. Star's a big girl she will talk to us when she's ready" Prince said a lil upset.

"Ok fine! Take you seat Star let's have dinner" Tashina said.

"This topic isn't over" Lucious grumbled looking a her.

Star heaves a sigh and takes her seat, her eyes meets Jace own staring at her with an unknown expression. She didn't expect him to still be mad and they weren't even dating or anything.

Everyone close their eyes and Tashina bless the food. After prayer they start eating but not Star.  She have her fork picking on her food with her mind on how Ace is doing and about him meeting her parents.

"So son,  what is it that you want to tell us?" Lucious asked, whipping his mouth with a napkin.

"Firstly Tajae and I are together--

"Yep! We see that" Angel mumbled before sipping on her drinks.

"Angel!" Tashina scolded her.

Star stare at her lethal, she have some issue going on with her. This dinner is so intense, every now and then Star could feel Jace eyes on her.

"Tajae is pregnant with my baby and we are planning on getting  marry" Prince finally said smiling.

Angel choke on her drink hearing the word 'marry', Jace looks at the couple with adoration, Star already know the news but still she is happy for them and Lucious and Tashina mouth hang down on the table and their eyes widen in surprise.

"Mom? Dad?" Prince called getting there attention.

A wide smile plaster on both their faces.

"We are going to be grandparents Lucious!" Tashina exclaimed getting from her seat and hugging both Tajae and Prince tightly.

"That's my boy!" Lucious laughed, patting Prince's back.

"I'm going to be a aunty! But you guys marrying is a bit to quick, don't you think?" Angel asked.

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