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Chapters 19.

What Cece just saw shocked her,she didn't know Darnell  would dare to put his hands on a woman especially  Star. She didn't make it her problem so she walks back inside the apartment. Now she don't have to worry about having Darnell  to herself because what he did, Star would never forgive him now.

Her hands glue to her face as she looks up on him shockingly, she didn't know he would have the guts to put his hands on her.  Her cheeks feel like she just got burn  from a fire, no doubt  it is red and will swell soon. He looks  down on her with anger still in his system along with the liquor that hasn't leave his system yet.

"Y...you put you're  hands on me?" Star said in anger.

"I'll  do it again if you don't call off whatever you have with that guy that you replace me with because I'm coming home" he snapped stooping to her level.

"You cheat on me again, you get that bitch pregnant and put your hands on me.... you really think after this I'll accept you back in my life"

Her hand reaches for her heels when she see him moving in close to her. He grabs her  hands yanking her off the floor and Star hit him hard in the chest with the heels off her stilettos . He growls loudly,releasing  her hand and hold on to his chest that is now bleeding.

"Don't you dare put your hands on me  and this is the last time I want to see your disgusting face" Star sneered.

She watch the blood spilling over his hands but she didn't feel sorry for him. There's  no way she's  going to let a man abuse her and do nothing. Darnell  is in too much pain to do anything to her,so she quickly walks of in the elevator.

The bed feels cold without her husband in bed with her and it's  almost midnight. Tashina rolls the duvet off her body and slide her feet in a pair of purple, fuzzy bed slippers.  She pulls her white robe over her body and walks out the door to go search for her husband.

She knows it's only one place to find him at this hours and it's his study's,so that's where she heads to.

"Of course  beautiful...... I'll definitely  be there... uhuh,I'll see you then..."

"Who the hell were you talking  to?" Tashina angrily asked as she steps into his study's.

"Babe... why are....

"Cut the crap Lucious, I heard you in here on your phone and I'm sure it was a woman... so what the f**k is going on?" She huffed throwing her hands on her hips.

"It was Katherine" Lucious admitted while walking around from his desk.

"What? Why were... Lucious are you cheating on me with her because if you are I'll.... She reach for a near by chair  infront of her but Lucious quickly move to her.

He holds her tight around her waist to calm  her down. He knows this is a hard task to do but he have to calm her down to explain  himself. Tashina breathing becomes heavier and heavier  while fighting  to get out of Lucious hands.

"I'm going to kill you and her....

"T calm down it's just business" Lucious  trys to reason.

"Just business Lucious huh?"

"Yes baby, now calm down let me explain why I was talking to her"

She hesitate  a bit but she did calm down so he could explain himself.  She now understand  that he's just doing what he's doing to convince  Katherine to sell him shares in her husband's company.

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